Strongholds and Domains: A Revised Approach

If I recall correctly, the new Axioms has a revised Domain approach and Chaotic domains do get to field more military from their population than lawful domains. I forget the exact numbers. Don't have it on me. Posting from my phone.

As Opiyel said, you'll want to check out Axiomis Issue 2, "Domains of Chaos," for revised rules for chaotic domains that are compatible with these new rules.

Chaotic domains are actually much better under the new rules in terms of yielding a fighting force.

Oh yeah, it was 2. Got them mixed up. I've been going back and forth between them because I'm planning a campaign. It has the players start off as chiefdoms and work their way into uniting tribes into a powerful civilization.

Just got Axioms 2 and 3, and I wasn't disappointed. Found exactly what I was looking for, and more. Thanks!

I'm working to incorporate all of this stuff into my spreadsheet of madness.

Edit - I had a bunch of questions here, but I snipped them and put them in the right sub-forum here!

Btw, very much liking the rules in Axioms 3 as they are introducing alternative models that at least I personally find very useful in most of my settings (I'm pretty much using ACKS domain rules even when my games aren't using ACKS core mechanics - I have embraced the insanity/beauty).

I've actually used the updated rules to create a government that's one part potlatch and one part pstrician of a merchant republic. Players looking to become patricians must first pay someone to audit their wealth and prove that they make a certain income. For a city-state, I went with the Duke title for it since that fits with a large city. So players have to, at minimum, make 4,700 gp a month to even be considered. After that, when it's time for the candidates to try and win, whoever spends the most of their money on public works wins. They do this for the last remaining year that the previous guy was in office and whoever spends the most on public works, wins and becomes the next Patriarch for 8 years. I'm hoping to get my players into this, at it seems like it could be a lot of fun.

A tad late to the party, but how does this exactly impact the information in chapter 10, or the process outlined by Alex, found in this forum post  

There are apparently no limits on personal domain size anymore, so if i am establishing the setting I must know the levels of the leadership first? I really like the premise and want to incorporate the system. I like the ideas found in the supply and demand aspect, and the settlements. However, it seems I run into bumps when attempting to create realms (I admit I may be trying to go too much by the book). Some questions probably are not for this particular thread. Thanks.