Adventurer Conqueror King Available NOW

If you’re still looking for typos, the description of the Assassin refers to them as “murders-for-hire” in the first paragraph. I believe this should be “murderers-for-hire”.

Looks great so far, looking forward to reading it later, thanks :slight_smile: Any time table on those of us backers who contributed at the level of getting a print copy might expect to see a package on our doorstep?

Can you please keep the Kickstarter page up to date with the status of the pdf and books? Not everyone who backed ACKS through Kickstarter is involved here on the developers forums. Thanks.

Sigmund, it will be in about 4-6 weeks…

P257, Cleaving, Theives should be Thieves.
(As a native speaker of a language in which the “ei” sound very different from the “ie”, I might have the advantage in spotting this :slight_smile: ).

Just got the chance to download the PDF and read through it, it looks fantastic. When do you guys expect it to be purchasable? We’ve been using the play test campaign rules for a few months, so I’m looking forward to going over them closely to see how they’ve changed. I think we’ll be setting up a wiki for the players to track their own ACKS stuff online (domain revenue, church investments, hijinks, that kind of stuff).
Is ACKS fair game now for reviews and discussion? I’d probably hold a review until it’s at least purchasable as a PDF, though.

Beedo - I’m glad you like it!
The PDF is going to be purchasable on GameSalute, DriveThruRPG and Lulu in February and in stores as a book in March. Each PDF will come with a coupon to drive an in-store purchase.
ACKS is definitely fair game for reviews and discussion!

1 week to go for PDFs!

Caught another two:
P114 Left Block 2: Example: "…HD 9 with 3 special abilities, so her bonus XP is (3 x 700 = 2,100). A group of adventurers receives 3,100XP…
should be (according to the table: 700 (base XP for HD9) + 3 x 600 (bonus for HD9) = 2.500 XP
P149 Left Block Last: Example: “…A lair of orcs is defined as 1 warband. 1 warband is defined as 2d6 gangs. The Judge rolls 1d4 for the number of gangs…”
should read "…“The Judge rolls 2d6…”

Too late! We went to print. :expressionless:
But we’ll correct it in the PDF.

A few updates:

  1. If you’ve already downloaded the PDF, you might want to download the version we uploaded yesterday. It’s got high-resolution graphics that are much cleaner than those we had in the drafts, and many niggling errors have been fixed.
  2. As you may have seen from the blog, we went to print!

“That said, if anyone has placed an order but does not have access, please let us know!
I pre-ordered (just yesterday) and don’t have access.

You’re all set as a Contributor. Thanks for your preorder!

I just pre-ordered when I saw the game is available. I’ve got the receipt, but the link here in this thread is giving me an error as well.
I expect there to be a delay, to be honest, but I thought I’d check just in case I can get it in time to read on my commute home. (don’t worry, I take the bus).

We just uploaded a new and corrected version. It has a few interesting teasers at the end, too…

Oh wow. Nice teasers!

I’m in the same position as Frederick.

@JustinW, @frederick, you’ve both been marked for access!
Greg L.

And there it is! Thanks very much.

My own comment from a quick look through. Giving the GP cost of a listed magic item would be convenient for GMs. Sure you can go through the whole book, cross reference the appropriate spell and deduce the costs, but it would save a GM some time.