I just got the core book and players companion. I was thinking about starting my own local campaign once I had gone through one. I saw a similar post to this from about a year ago, but nothing recently. All the registered campaigns look like they are from two years ago. Is anyone running an open campaign online?
I’m not sure. The Autarch partner who ran the Registered Campaign program left the company and it hasn’t been updated in ages…
I ran one briefly during the winter but it foundered on holiday travel and technical difficulties. Currently playing in an online Traveller game, which is good for sorting out the technical difficulties; might be in a position to take another shot at online ACKS again when this game ends (a couple months, I expect).
There was also a post to /r/lfg two weeks ago where someone was looking for an online ACKS group - see http://www.reddit.com/r/lfg/comments/22culo/online_player_looking_for_adventurer_conqueror/ , and maybe get in touch with them and see if they found anyone?
Hmm, I wonder what it would take to get it straightened out? Just cleaning out the old campaigns?
Hmm, I wonder what it would take to get it straightened out? Just cleaning out the old campaigns?
I’ll look into that, thanks.
I’d be interested in participating in an online ACKS game. I have absolutely no experience in how online gaming works though and my computer is pretty old.
We’ve been using roll20.net for a tabletop and dice rolling, and we alternate between google hangouts, skype group voice chats, and roll20’s sound depending on which one seems to be working best on that particular day.
Ooh, in a couple months I should be in a place where I could join an online game.
Cleaning out as the first step. The ideas was to be proselytizing the system on an ongoing basis, as well…