Cat and Mouse
Who is the hunter and who is the hunted?
Session 40
27th of Eirmont to the 3rd of Kaldmont, AC 999
Characters: Caasi, Kalasandr, Waevryn (Kalasandr’s Henchman), Ryland; Andelay, Roland (Andelay’s Henchman), Taras and Stephan (played by Belgarath’s player) were also present, the former as an NPC
Deaths: None
Mortal Wounds: None
Levelled: None
The party gathered the white horses just outside Helix and got underway, taking Stephan’s advice to head north towards Gnome’s Ferry, a crossing of the Highreach that avoided the well-traveled bridge near Kelvin, and would hopefully avoid the notice of those the group assumed were searching for them.
Traveling north over the Moor, they reached Gnome’s Ferry by the mighty Highreach River after nightfall, approaching cautiously, now wary of ambush. As they scouted the out buildings of the ferry, they spotted what appeared to be a Gnome heading from the hostelry to the main residence. With no immediate threats in sight, they worked up their courage and approached the front door, finally knocking after a brief hesitation (and argument amongst the party).
They were soon greeted by a gnomish host, a friendly little sort, who invited them in, explaining that the ferry had finished running for the evening. The ferry offered food and lodgings for a reasonable fee, and that they were welcome to avail themselves of the gnomish hospitality.
Feeling amenable, and beginning to relax, they staked the horses outside, then headed in to order rooms and hot food. Some half-an-hour into the delicious meal, several men arrived at the door, cloaked and wet from the rain. One man seemed to be the leader of the new visitors, introducing himself as Aksel, explaining that he and his companions had left Helix that morning. As Aksel chatted with the party, asking about their travels and where they were headed, his two companions cast watchful glances around the dining room. As the party began fondling their weapons and leaving the dining room in pairs to discuss murdering the new visitors, the talk became increasingly strained. After a few more minutes of forced small talk, the three men abruptly rose, and, Aksel making flimsy excuses, exited the hostelry for the darkness and rain.
Spooked by this odd exchange and the men’s abrupt departure, the party quickly arranged a deal to pay the gnomes a hefty premium to ferry them across the river by dark; it took considerable convincing before the gnomes would accept such a risky proposition, particularly as it would take two trips for the entire group and all their horses. Moving as quickly as possible, the party packed their gear and followed the path down to the near bank. Looking out across the night-dark waters, they could see a hole in the stars made by the looming bulk of the Tower of the Stargazer silhouetted against the clouds, a monastery of sorts that sat in the middle of the river at the ferry.
Stephan (an NPC currently run by Belgarath’s player, as the Mage was recovering in Kelvin) made the attempt with the gnomes first, along with slightly more than half of the horses, the crossing proceeding without incident in spite of the dark. The rest of the party then followed in the second trip, before the group spent a cold, damp night on the far bank, waking after only four hours to press on; two cold, tiring days through the Wufwolde hills followed, hoping to find their way along the trails through the hills to the Foamfire River crossing near Rifflian.
Mid-morning on the third day the group crossed the Foamfire without mishap, but as they gathered on the far shore, several armed and armoured riders approached, all halting just out of bowshot. One of the riders galloped back up the trail in the direction he had come, and as the party finished lashing the horses, a very large caravan approached from the south, and the party hailed them.
They were soon introduced to the caravan leader, Ahiktos of Minrothad, and he bid the party to break their fast with him. A fine meal was served in the back of a covered wagon, with cheese and bread with honey, wine, and poultry skewers over a quickly lit brazier. Ahiktos was most interested in what the party could tell him of recent news and rumours from around the Grand Duchy, and he returned the favour in kind, confirming that banditry along the Duke’s Road was a growing problem, and that little traffic was moving between Kelvin, Penhaligon, and the Selenica Pass. He chuckled as he regaled them with a rumour from the capital that the Duke’s daughter had supposedly eloped with the captain of the Duke’s guard, before lamenting another tale of Lord Penhaligon’s daughter supposedly falling gravely ill.
The meal complete, and everyone in fine spirits, Ahiktos favoured the party with a rogueish smile before offering to buy their fine white steeds at 75gp each. The party politely declined, explaining that they already had a buyer waiting in Rifflian. Nodding his understanding, Ahiktos then theatrically rubbed his hands together, and asked if the group would instead be interested in buying something from him. Their curiosity piqued, they bargained back and forth as Ahiktos offered them information that pertained rather specifically to them, settling at last on 90gp. Ahiktos revealed that they were being sought by a swarthy, bearded man in deep red robes, and a dark-haired blue-eyed woman. Both had been asking around the Campgrounds near Kelvin, with numerous henchmen in tow, and Ahiktos was certain the descriptions these strangers gave matched many in the party before him.
Ahiktos winked as he pocketed their gold, assuring the party that he would show great discretion given their friendly transaction. He then warned them against heading to Kelvin in the near term. Parting cordially, Ahiktos bid the group safe travels. He would be skirting Rifflian and continuing north towards Threshold.
Deeply unsettled by the information the caravaneer had sold them, the party got underway, reaching a massive treestump that Stephan informed them contained the elvish settlement of Rifflian before noon. The elvish gatewatch recognized Stephan upon approach, and permitted the party entry. Stephan led them to meet with his buyer, the trader Prestelle, who ruled the settlement of Rifflian. As they made their way along the gardened paths, an elf stopped them on the street, speaking with Andelay in Elvish about buying a horse for 150gp, but was ultimately turned down after the party discussed it (“The horses are already sold to Presto!”)
Finding Prestelle’s manor, Stephan greeted the elf-woman, explaining that he had the expected delivery of horses for trade. Prestelle seemed somewhat annoyed, as she had apparently been expecting their arrival sooner, but after some bargaining between Stephan and Prestelle, they concluded a deal for 130gp per horse!
Their pockets full, the group dispersed around town to relax and attend to their own needs. Several party members let rooms at the Silver Swan Inn, with Stephan and Taras retiring to a back room to divvy the money from the sale of the horses.
While others relaxed, Kalasandr ordered a shave and haircut from Stubbs, the halfling barber, while they waited on Stephan and their payment. As Kalasandr lay back, his face covered with a steaming cloth, Stubbs asked if their friend had found the party…
Kalasandr stiffened, “Who,” he mumbled from beneath the towel.
“Oh, a tall one she was. Raven-haired, with icy blue-eyes. You and your friends are a bit of a motley group! I was sure it must be you she was seeking…”
Kalasandr wrenched the towel from his face, leaning over the little halfing. The barber shrank back as the Thief asked, “When?”
Kalasandr nearly shouted, “I asked you ‘when was she here,’ man!”
“Sh-she just m-m-missed you! Yesterday, it was! I’m sure you could still catch her on the road,” the halfling blubbered.
The Thief swore floridly, tossing the hot towel aside, then flipped a coin to the slack-jawed Stubbs as he left to gather the others.
“She left this morning! On horseback, she was!” Stubbs called after the departing Thief.
Regrouping at the Silver Swan Inn, Taras divided the shares of profit from the horses, loading the saddlebags of his and his uncle’s horse with Sukiskyn’s half. The men then embraced the members of the party warmly, swearing that they were always welcome on the homestead.
“Don’t you think heading south is a bad idea?” Caasi asked.
Stephan smiled, “Do not worry. We have made the trip many times, and need not keep to the main road. These devils will never find us!”
The two men then bid them fond farewells, before riding south towards Kelvin.