Chronicles of the Grim Fist, Part III

So many nice words makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

I am sick at the moment (as in, you don’t want the details, sick) and although we had a game this past weekend, I haven’t felt up to writing it up. So I will be writing it up next week.

So far, so good!

I am glad it has been useful. And borrow away. I crib a lot from others, too. Steal from enough sources and it’s “collating”.

As above, please steal away.

Which excel sheets?

The spelldancer is HD 1, Fighter 2, Mage 1, Elf 3. I wrote that poorly in the initial post, but meant that it was a total of (elf+mage) 4, not (elf) + (mage 4). Spells per day is same as a mage. Maximum level is 10th; and I let Galswintha burn three custom powers to get maximum level 13 (Heroic Spirit, taken three times).

I see now that I wrote maximum level 14 in the initial post. Augh. Anyway, no, Galswintha and Vulfelind both have max level 13.

Hey Cameron!
I’ve just registered here to say thank you for the awesome and inspiring campaign chronicles of yours. I devoured everything you wrote so far and now I feel like I need to run an oldschool game of hexgrid-exploration right now. I mean RIGHT NOW. Really looking forward to the next chapter.

Also, while I like all main characters so far, Galswintha has become my favourite. I eagerly await her future exploits! :slight_smile:

Cameron said: Which excel sheets?

Apparently I’m too lazy to go back through and find the reference, but I was also under the impression that you had built a spreadsheet(s) for tracking domain details and calculating costs/revenue…

Just checking to make sure you’re still around. Please don’t take that as a rush—I’d rather you got well and wrote more when you felt like it—just a bit of concern that you posted that it was some kind of awful sick and then we don’t hear from you for two weeks.

Out of order to save some heartache =^.^=

Cameron is alive. He got really sick last year, spent a few months in care, campaign ended (obvs), and he’s been tired a lot, but that’s as bad as it went. He’s a stupid-head for not posting anything here about it, obvs.


Hi! I’m C’s niece. I played Vulf.

The campaign pretty much died when C got sick. The last stuff that happened:

  • Gal disintegrated trying for wish. C gave her a last wish as she was disintegrating. She wished to be a guardian for the fairy land she’d built. Then she started playing her apprentice. It was kind of awesome.

  • I spent our last session establishing the Beggar Empress as a ruthless godfather monster who was three steps from ruling the underworld. Or maybe it was two steps. It wasn’t many. Ask anyone!

  • Mer continued to beat the holy snot out of the rest of her church, spread herself too thin, and had to retreat. We planned to leverage my contacts in the enemy cities to hold them off while she regrouped, but that session never happened.

  • Chlod got wind of my godfather routine and started making noises about ending my threat, too. Then Gal died and I was weepy, so he let it go, and focused on beating Dagobert’s forces. We didn’t finish that battle, though.

That’s pretty much it! But I run on at the mouth, so bonus content:

  • Autarch people, thanks for ACKS. Galaufabonne was pretty much the most fun I’ve ever had. I hope when I’m C’s age I’m still running something like ACKS.

  • I’ve been running Q (Gal’s player) through a campaign of her own (not nearly as epic or well-designed as C’s). I won’t be writing it up, cuz I suck =^.^= It’s pretty embarassing.

  • Q and I been begging C to run sumpin sumpin now that he’s feeling better.

  • If he does and he doesn’t write it up, I’ll try to. I’m not as good at it, though, so sorry in advance.

Anyway, I know some people other than just us enjoyed C’s campaign, and if you were as sad as we were that it ended, that’s a lot of sad, and Vulfelind would not approve. So think of adorable werefoxes murdering mean old rat-kings in their den, and you’ll cheer right up.

Or maybe that’s just me.

Rowan, thank you so much for sharing this report. I’m so sad to hear that Cameron got so ill. I completely misunderstood his last post and thought “dysentery” sick not “almost died” sick. :frowning: It’s a relief to hear he got better.

Best wishes to Cameron!


Very sorry to learn about Cameron’s illness but glad to know he seems to be on the mend - here’s to hoping that his recovery is both swift and full.

Thank you for letting us know about the parts of the campaign we didn’t get to read up on, Cameron’s write-ups (along with Simon’s ‘Against the Giants’) was what inspired me to return to gaming after an almost 12 year hiatus and take up ACKS as my game of choice.

Best wishes to you, to Cameron and indeed to all of the ACKS community for making an old fart of a gamer happy.

Very happy to hear that Cameron’s feeling better! He’s been missed.

Aww, you guys!

Also, good news: he’s going to run a new campaign =^.^= So if he doesn’t post stuff here, I will. If it’s me don’t expect his way with words, but I’ll do my best.

That’s amazing news. Tell him to email me!

I told him!

(Technically, I told him, like, days ago and before you even posted, but I spent all weekend playing video games, and yesterday at the park, and today sleeping, so this is the first time I’m getting around to responding. Sorry! I’m a terrible person!)

Thank you for the update. I’m glad that Cameron’s doing much better now.

Chronicles of the Grim Fist is the best actual play I’ve read. Such a rich and entertaining story.

I look forward to reading about your next game.

I enjoyed this story as well and I’m glad to hear Cameron is better now, it was quite a ride :slight_smile:

I see someone beat me to necroing this thread!

This thread is the BEST THING. I’m spreading it around to people on other sites, so it may have some new readers soon.

This thread pretty much represents the ideal that I want every game to be - long term, consistent, with buy-in from the players and interest in engaging the system head on.

The only disappointment is that it stopped too soon!