One gap in ACKS is that I do not ever provide data for a typical manor of normal men. The entries under Men are for relatively tough bands of berserkers, bandits, and so on. Here is some data that should prove helpful.
We know from the Villages, Towns, and Cities section that the smallest village is 75 families.
Assume a Village of 75 families (375 people, with 150 adults and 225 children)
Given ACKS demographics in Chapter 10, of the 150 adults
1 in 20 are 1st level, or 18
1 in 50 are 2nd level, or 8
1 in 150 are 3rd level, or 3
1 in 375 are 4th levels, or 1
For a total 30 classed characters.
If there are 150 adults, and 30 classed characters, then there remain 120 0-level adults remaining. Of these 50% are noncombatants.
From this let’s build a monster entry:
Man, Normal
% In Lair: 40%
Dungeon Enc: Gang (1d8) / Hamlet (1 band)
Wilderness Enc: Band (1d6 gangs) / Manor (1d10 bands)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120’ (20’)
Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 1 - 1
Attacks: 1 (weapon)
Damage: 1d4 or weapon
Save: 0 level human
Morale: -2
Treasure Type: E (per band)
XP: 5
Normal men (and women) are the peasants and serfs that make up the majority of the population of most realms. Each gang of normal men will be led by a yeoman (1st level fighter, bard, or thief). Each band will be led by a reeve (2nd level fighter, bard, or thief).
A manor of normal men will be led by its manorial lord (4th level fighter) with a bailiff (3rd level fighter) as his second-in-command. A manorial lord will be served by 3 men-at-arms (each a 1st level fighter). A manor will also have a chaplain (3rd level cleric) served by 2 acolytes (2nd level clerics) and either a local wizard (3rd level mage) or village witch (3rd level antiquarian witch). If a local wizard is present, then a cunning-woman (2nd level antiquarian witch) will be his village rival; if a village witch is present, then a hedge wizard (2nd level mage) will be hers. The manor will also have additional adult noncombatants and young equal to 100% and 375% of the number of normal men.
How does the above compare to ACKS demographics?
Assume a wilderness lair (manor) with an average of 5 bands of 3 gangs of 4 normal adults each. That yields 5 x 3 x 4 = 60 normal adults.
There will be 15 1st level yeomen, one per each of the 15 gangs; 3 1st level men-at-arms; 5 2nd level reeves; 1 3rd level bailiff; 1 4th level lord; 1 3rd level chaplain; 2 2nd level acolytes; 1 3rd level witch; and 1 2nd level mage. There will be 60 adult noncombatants and 225 young.
The total manor will have (60+60+15+3+5+3+2+1+1) 150 adults and 225 children, yielding 375 total, or 75 families. The demographic breakdown is thus:
1 in 20 1st levels = 18 (15 yeomen, 3 men-at-arms)
1 in 50 2nd levels = 8 (5 reeves, 3 others)
1 in 150 3rd levels = 3 (1 bailiff, 1 priest, 1 hedge wizard)
1 in 375 4th levels = 1 (1 lord)
One important note is that most of the classed characters are likely to be middle aged, having gained experience very slowly in occasional military campaigns or from domain management.
The pool of 1st level and 0th level combatant-capable men is (18+60) 78 men, of which 18 are 1st level, or 23%.