The healing proficiency mentiones that: “In any one day acharacter can supervise three different patients, plus an additional one for each time Healing selected”
Does this only apply for the +1D3 overnight healing effect or also for neutralize poison, cure disease, cure light/serious ?
The healing proficiency mentiones that: "In any one day acharacter can supervise three different patients, plus an additional one for each time Healing selected" Does this only apply for the +1D3 overnight healing effect or also for neutralize poison, cure disease, cure light/serious ?
APM: The rules say that "...if the character selects Healing twice, he can neutralize poison, cure disease, or cure light wounds with a proficiency throw of 18+, once per day per patient. If the character selects Healing three times, he can neutralize poison, cure disease, or cure serious wounds with a proficiency throw of 14+, once per day per patient." The key word here is "per patient." In order for the Healing proficiency to be used on a character, that character must be a patient of the healer. A healer can have three different patients, plus one for each time Healing is selected.
Can the healer apply all three effectas per patient over the same night or does he have to choose one specific effect per patient?
APM: Yes, the healer can apply all three effects per patient over the same night.
While I can understand a healer being limited in the number of patients they can care for over the course of an evening, I’m confused by limiting the amount of people they can sew up in a day, especially since (as I understand it) the ‘specials’ from Healing only take a round to pull off. Since those are already limited by once per person per day, I’ve not found it unbalancing for the PC in my game (mostly because he can’t roll over 14 to save his life…).
It’s easy enough to house rule though. The beauty of the old school.
That actually bring up an interesting question we’ve run into - how long does using one of the Healing specials take? I figured it for a turn, but what’s the Word of Autarch?
It takes one round to use any of the Healing throws. This permits it to be used in combat situations and when grappling with mortal wounds. Obviously, one round is not a long time. The assumption is that there is after care which takes considerably more time, but which is incorporated into the "number of patients per day" ruling.
If a healer wanted to use his Healing throws on more than his number of patients per day, definitely allow it. ACKS is very simulationist and obviously a healer *can* see many patients per hour. But have the results be temporary (lasting perhaps 1 turn for a rank 1 healer, 3 turns for rank 2, and 1 hour for rank 3). This would represent not having bandages be changed, not being monitored for shock, blood loss not being monitored, etc. History is filled with warriors who have gotten patched up and then died later because they weren't monitored by the doctor.
For example, if a rank 3 healer successfully "cures serious wounds" on a wounded character, but then later goes on to treat a bunch of other patients, then the wounded character will lose the hit points he healed after 1 hour.
One way around this would be for each rank 3 healer to have several rank 2 and rank 1 healers with him that monitor the patients after he takes care of them. Those could be called "residents" and "nurses" and... Nevermind.
If you went this route you could grant treated creatures a saving throw (vs Poison?) after a set amount of time to determine if the treatment ‘took’. Maybe the ranks the treating PC possessed would be added as a bonus to the throw… so in battlefield conditions web multiple patients are successfully treated quickly by a character who took healing 3 times would make a save vs. Poison at +3 after an hour to see if they improved.
Maybe I’m a softie but I’d like there to at least be a fighting chance for the healing to stick - a character treating multiple patients in this way will likely be healing low level hirelings, mercenaries, groups of townsfolk, and other NPC grunts - some of whom should improve with ‘shock’ care.
One more healing question:
Do the Condition&Recovery results of the Mortal Wounds table count from the point of taking the wound or from the time of looking after the wounded?
Example: After battle is already over one checks a fallen hireling and after all the modifications the roll ends up at a 3 (Dies within one round if not healed to 1 HP). Is the Hireling already dead (because one round already passed) or does he still live for one round?