'We shall do all in our power, m'dear. You, though, you live so near to them - are you here alone? Do you have family elsewhere in town, or better yet, Blackmarsh?'
'We shall do all in our power, m'dear. You, though, you live so near to them - are you here alone? Do you have family elsewhere in town, or better yet, Blackmarsh?'
[quote="Masov"] 'We shall do all in our power, m'dear. You, though, you live so near to them - are you here alone? Do you have family elsewhere in town, or better yet, Blackmarsh?' [/quote]
"Oh, no m'Lord! I'm a poor fishwife, and my husband sails the waters for our catch. There is nowhere else for us to go..." she looks behind her into the home, "...but I'll bar the door while you deal with the fae!"
'Do so, then, whenever you're home, and bar your windows - stay out of sight. We're off to gather the rest of our companions, and find out what has been learned.'
I'll head back to collect everyone and we'll be off. We'll head the opposite direction so that nosy-Nelly here doesn't get a better look at our not-Elf.
Gwydion successfully interprets Mason’s body language and heads back to the last inn to wait for his companions and observe the locals.
You leave, huddling around Gwydion, as there's a stretch where it's impossible to be out of sight of the woman's home without hopping over the manorial wall on your left.
Are you heading to the inn you're staying at?
unless Gwydion/Miska have a better plan, I'd like to head to whichever other of our targets was the closer, as to rejoin more party members.
The carpenter's shop was much closer, as the others headed outside the palisade. It should only take you a few minutes to get there.
Gwydion agrees that Masov has a better plan and follows his lead.
Lucky break. Let us know when we notice the bodies.
As you walk back past the centre of town, near to the inn where you broke your fast, a shrill scream rings out on the morning air. The sound comes from somewhere ahead of you, in the direction you were already headed. Quickening your step, you notice a handful of people scattered about the street - it wouldn't be of note, save for how few people you've seen on the streets of Orlean since arriving - and one of them, a young boy by the look, runs off up the street in the opposite direction, towards the gate you originally entered the town through. It appears the knot of people are loosely gathered near the carpenter's workshop your companions were headed to...
Masov that gate the way towards the wizard's hut as well? Imageshack is eating the Orleans map, wasn't sure if that was even noted on it.
Miska walks alongside the other party members, helping to try and hide Gwydion’s ‘shame’.
You believe that's the gate to Hulburd's hut; it's also the gate the party originally entered Orlean through.
Gwydion attempts to stop a child and enquire, “What is the matter?”
I had thought of asking Gwydion to go after the child (as in follow unnoticed), so as not to be present at the upcoming riot; go for it in whatever method you'd like. :)
...hurries along to the carpenter's workshop, and will ask the opinion of the first obviously non-armed person he encounters there. He keeps an eye out for the town's watchmen to see if they're around yet.
[quote="Gwydion"] Gwydion attempts to stop a child and enquire... [/quote]
There is a boy nearby, and he looks strangely familiar to takes a moment before you realise you saw the human child speak with your companion, Hengist, this morning. You approach the boy...
[quote="Gwydion"] "What is the matter?" [/quote]
The human child is focused on the carpenter's shop, and doesn't even look around at first, "There was some kinda argument...and shouting..." but as he finally breaks his stare and looks at Gwydion, his eyes go wide, "Uh...'scuse me, s-s-sir! You' elf! I think s-s-somethin' might have happened t-t-to Ned-I mean, m-m-Mr. Eduard. His wife was really screamin'."
[quote="Masov"] Masov hurries along to the carpenter's workshop, and will ask the opinion of the first obviously non-armed person he encounters there. [/quote]
There's a heavyset woman, although she appears to be accompanied by a man wearing leathers and carrying a sword at his hip. A farther from you there's also a young, balding man whose remaining hair stands out from his head in tight brown curls. For anyone else you'll need to walk right in front of the carpenter's shop. Do want to approach one of the two?
[quote="Masov"] He keeps an eye out for the town's watchmen to see if they're around yet. [/quote]
You don't yet see the watch, but the gate the party entered Orlean by seemed to be beside a secondary palisade that the constable, Aramis Thorsdun, came from and went back to...
...ah, to heck with these people.
'Oi! Ho! Out of the way, and be about your way!' Masov pushes through the crowd to the door, dragging Miska with him, and motioning Gwydion to hurry up and follow. 'Official businesses, ways, and means of our good Lord Mallory and constable Thorsdun!'
If I'm not otherwise accosted, I'll slip Miska and Gwydion in the door, close it, and stand outside it. I'll ask Gwydion to stay by the door on the inside to grab me if stuff goes south outside. This all obviously hinges on Gwydion and Miska agreeing to what I'm doing, obvs.
Please shift your future replies to here:
Gwydion smiles at the boy and begins to ask another question before catching Mason’s body language. He then purposefully attempts to catch up to Masov and slip past him and into the structure.
He then immediately attempts to mimic the constable’s voice, saying loudly, “There’s nothing to see here. Move along.”