Sexual Dimorphism and other Monster Section questions

After going through the bestiary, I have a few questions regarding the monstrous humanoid races. Is sexual dimorphism more pronounced in the monstrous humanoids to the point where the females of these races fight as if they are males of a less powerful race?
Another question, are the percentages given concerning the demographic make up of a standard monster village indicative of the species as a whole? For example, the entry for Bugbears states that “Bugbear lairs will have females and young equal to 50% of the number of males each.” I interpret this to mean that a village of 30 fighting male bugbears will have 30 males, of which roughly 7 will be in the village at any given point, 15 females, and 15 young. Would this village be able to maintain positive population growth? Are there elderly bugbears?

Artus, the monstrous humanoids (beastmen) do have major sexual dimorphism, yes.
Most males don’t breed. The chiefs monopolize the mates, the chief being whoever is the biggest and baddest.
The percentages concerning demographics are supposed to be indicative of the species as a whole.
With regard to the bugbears, they breed surplus males because the males die fighting a lot. There are only a small number of young (relative to a human population) because bugbears don’t stay young for long and quickly graduate to becoming adults.

Thanks for the information. I’m sure that the high mortality rate also explains why beastmen have no real elderly to speak of.