My list of rules for those curious.
- The value of a custom power is based on the level it is gained at. I usually use decimal notation, but it occurred to me this morning that it might be better to represent it as whole numbers (cpe = “custom power equivalents”).
Level 1: 16 cpe Level 2: 13 cpe level 3: 12 cpe level 4: 11 cpe level 5: 10 cpe level 6: 9 cpe level 7: 8 cpe level 8: 7 cpe level 9: 6 cpe level 10: 5 cpe level 11: 4 cpe level 12: 3 cpe level 13: 2 cpe level 14: 1 cpeThus, a level 1 (16 cpe) can be swapped for a level 3 and level 11, or two level 7s . . . or four level 11s . . . or three level 10s and a level 14.
- Most (all?) General proficiencies are worth half a custom power (8 cpe at first level).
Arcane Powers
3. Based on Nose for Potions, the ability to manufacture potions is worth three custom powers (½ custom power at first level, plus three customs at fifth level, adds up to 8 + 10×3 = 38, or roughly 2.5 powers). Note that I personally would value potions and scrolls at only one custom power each, but the game seems to assume a higher value.
Based on Design, Build, and Repair Automatons, the ability to create a category of monster is worth three custom powers.
I estimated the extra sanctum benefit (the ability to construct dungeons) as half a custom power, worth 3 cpe at ninth level.
The Arcane 4 default build has a total of 117 cpe that can theoretically be swapped out, or a bit over seven custom powers.
scrolls: 30 (3 @ fifth) potions: 30 (3 @ fifth) magic items: 18 cpe (3 @ ninth) dungeon: 3 (½ @ ninth) constructs: 12 (3 @ 11th) undead: 12 (3 @ 11th) crossbreeds: 12 (3 @ 11th)
- Those powers were not assigned with the intent that they could be swapped out, however, and it is possible to eliminate most of them without significantly altering the power of the build. Much like the higher fighting ability builds, then, there should be an XP cost surcharge for swapping them out (my previous builds have ignored this). As a rough guideline, I would charge +150 XP per 8 cpe (double the fighting ability surcharge), rounded up. So dropping all 117 cpe worth and replacing them with custom powers would have a surcharge of +4,500 XP for second level.
It might also be possible to calculate the surcharge in a different way for all build points:
1 build point: no surcharge. You're barely functioning in this role anyway. 2–3 build points: 75 XP per 8 cpe. 4–5 build points: 75 XP per 4 cpe. 6–7 build points: 75 XP per 2 cpe. 8 build points: 75 XP per 1 cpe.
- Regarding the surcharge, I would personally make allowances for alternate-but-extremely-similar custom powers; swapping “Design & Create Construct” for “Bind Elementals” or “Design, Build, & Repair Automatons,” for example, I would not inflict the surcharge for.
Actually, though . . . it might be better to use the extended surcharge list for “all build points,” but specify that any swap within the list of swaps costs nothing. So swapping a thief skill for another thief skill, costs nothing; swapping armor broadness for weapon broadness (as the thief and cleric builds do) similarly costs nothing; but swapping a fighting style for a spell-like ability would increase the base XP.
Breaking the Rules
9. As a Judge, when designing an interesting class, I’m perfectly happy to break or bend the rules here and there, especially regarding niche protection (no swapping non-thief customs for thief skills; no swapping thief customs for spell-like abilities; no swapping mage customs for better weapon selection; you name it, I’ll break it for an interesting class, so long as I think the result is reasonably balanced). For player-created classes, however, I would want to avoid this×players have a conflict of interest in the design that I, in my role as Judge, don’t.