I am afraid I don’t follow your Minotaur BR calculation.
BR = (Unit AC) x (uhp/8) x (Morale Multiplier) x (Speed Multiplier) x (Formation Multiplier) x (Combat Multiplier) / 6
For the BR rounding issue, my expectation was that every full (company-sized) unit would have an BR that was rounded to the nearest half-integer, since the rounding happens before dividing by the number of troops in a company. So the effect of multiplying the per-troop BR of a man-sized troop by 120 should always give a number that ends in .0 or .5.
Some of the troops give unit-size BR values that haven’t been rounded. For example, 120 zombies (BR 0.01 per zombie) would give a unit with BR 1.2, which isn’t rounded down to 1.0 like I would have expected. If it had been rounded to 1.0 before dividing, as seems to be for all human/demihuman/beastman troops, the BR per zombie would be 0.008 instead (really 0.008333333…).
And in other news, it’s really easy to misspell “beastman” as “bestman”, which makes me visualize a gnoll in a tuxedo giving a wedding toast.