I started adding links to the various ACKS blogs I know of and got to thinking. Wouldn’t it be cool if all of us various ACKS bloggers linked to each other in our blogrolls to help interconnect the ACKS blogging community.
I’m pretty sure I’ve missed some, so please let me know and I’ll be happy to throw a link on my site. And if anyone wants to link to me (http://micahblackburn.wordpress.com), that would be cool too…
It’s just session writeups atm, with a few older posts about gaming stuff. But, as I write more about my campaign world, and as the players encounter it, I may start throwing things up there.
I knew about Simon’s place (Sky Full of Dust) - thanks for getting an unofficial blog list out there - I’ll check out the rest of you and get some blog roll additions in place as well.
I forgot about this until someone posted it on another thread. My blog is ardenest.blogspot.com. It’s largely play reports and rumor tables for the campaign I’m running, but there’s other more general stuff there too.
My blog is at http://kandk.motd.org/ but Its not an ACKS specific blog. I’ll eventually post ACKS stuff when I get a regular ACKS game going. Right now its mostly posts on my Fate games interspersed with OSR musings.