ACKS II: Typo in the standard (100%) spell slots at 12th level

Just noticed this, I’m positive it’s a typo. Sadly it’s ubiquitous: All the classes in the RR (even the Priestess, implicitly, if you remove the +50% spell slots bonus), as well as the Custom Class rules in the JJ. Let’s see if the image upload works, otherwise I’ll explain it.

It’s not a typo. If you check B/X, it uses the same progression you take issue with, and the high level gameplay there is fine so there was seen little need to change what wasn’t broken. There’s a pattern to when new slots come out, and 12th level follows this pattern; 13th and 14th level fall behind the smooth prediction because there are no 7th level spell slots.

If you run the numbers for personal divine power generation per day for a spellcaster of the appropriate level compared to that consumed by their spellcasting, you’ll find that this progression fits fine within the metaphysical constraints as well.

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I see. Thanks again for the clarification!