Are ACKS II's dungeon creation rules just that?

Hello, I’m just starting to learn about the rules of ACKS II and I must say that the level of detail in the game was what caught my attention, but I was disappointed when I got to the Dungeon chapter (page 235 J.J) expecting extensive rules for creating the dungeon itself for this more “adventure” phase of ACKS II. There is literally a sentence in the book that says to use a ready-made dungeon. I may be missing something in other chapters or books. I would like someone to help me understand this.

JJ 235 is the first page of a nine page chapter on dungeon design, which is somewhat short, but packed with some really useful components - the rules for building wandering monster tables and custom traps in particular I’ve found particularly helpful. It’s not a DMG Appendix A for generating a random dungeon; ACKS tends to be more inclined towards intentional design, and if you want a random dungeon, DMG Appendix A is great for that. What were you looking for that you didn’t find?