I’m confused about the combination of two rules. I’m starting a game with one character who is an explorer. I may be splitting hairs here, but is there an easy resolution that doesn’t overwrite either rule?
Rule 1
“If a wilderness domain ever reaches the maximum of 125 families x 16 6-mile
hexes (2,000 families), it becomes a borderlands domain. If a borderlands domain ever reaches the maximum of 250 families x 16 6-mile hexes (4,000 families), it becomes a civilized domain.”
Rule 2
“Border forts must be located in a borderlands or wilderness area.”
(This may only apply to establishing the stronghold)
Assuming the explorer has a successful reign and manages to push his borderlands civilization to the 4k family mark, I’m confused about what happens to the border fort. I imagine one of three possibilities.
Rule 2 trumps and the progress of civilization halts due to the policies of the ruler. (Seems unlikely)
Rule 1 trumps and the PC is evicted or leaves due to “too much bureaucracy” for the peaceful isolation of a less populated land. Possibly transitions control of the territory over to a henchman vassal. (No fun for the PC.)
Ignore the rule conflict and we end up with an area that is technically civilized but whose ruler has some odd customs. (Seems palatable but duct-tapey given the explicit restriction stated earlier)
I also have a player who is interested in trying to garrison exclusively using small number of elite troops, eventually all cataphracts, by utilizing Manual of Arms. I believe I read in one of the mercenary forum posts that up to 25% of mercenaries will tend to become 1st level after their years of combat. If PC’s were allowed to draw henchman from trained mercenaries is that 25% rate adjusted upwards at all with a unit’s training and battle rating?
I don’t see any reason to not let Explorers rule Civilized domains if they established them as Borderlands or Wilderness and grew them. Basically, this means that they just won’t start their realm by conquering a Civilized domain or accepting one in vassalage.
However, here’s an easy solution: a domain can only grow to a limit determined by the value of its stronghold. If you want to stick to both rules, just don’t let Explorers build strongholds large enough to support the domain as Civilized; they can only expand their Borderland domain stronghold if the domain gets larger (more hexes). “Oh, you wouldn’t do that. You’re an explorer.” Doesn’t make much sense to me, but why not?
Yeah, I think I’ll just interpret the explorer restriction as only applying to establishment of the initial settlement rather than being an ongoing restriction.
The intent of the rule is that border forts can only be initially established in borderlands or wilderness. If later growth causes the domain to become civilized, that might lead to wistful brooding and melancholy storytelling by the aged explorer, but it doesn’t prevent him from continuing to grow and rule his domain.
I demand mechanics for wistful brooding and melancholy storytelling, and the spreadsheets of data backing them up!
Seriously, though, that’s pretty perfect.
“When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat,
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse’s feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back.”
The Road of Kings: Official poem of The Adventurer Conqueror King System.
Mechanics: Each month of ruling a civilized domain, a character must make a saving throw versus Paralyzation. The character’s WIS modifier is applied as a bonus to this die roll, representing his determination to go on in the face of the absurdity of the human condition. The character’s INT modifier is applied as a penalty, as more intelligent characters can more clearly see the ultimate meaninglessness of existence. If the character went on an adventure the prior month, he gains a +4 bonus to the saving throw.
If the character fails the saving throw, he falls into ennui and listlessness. He suffers a -2 penalty to all reaction rolls and proficiency throws and cannot accumulate experience points, as there seems little point in learning empty lessons. Anger can rouse the character from his melancholy, so he receives an additional saving throw at +4 if the character, a henchman, or loved one suffers harm, if his domain is invaded, or if any of his magic items are stolen or destroyed. Otherwise the ennui lasts for the full month.
Characters who suffer a full season (three months) of consecutive ennui acquire a vice, such as alcohol, gambling, or whoring. These vices cannot stave off the bland emptiness that has become the character’s tortured middle-aged existence, but if the character does not embrace them, he suffers an additional -4 penalty to his saving throws.
Have a machinist drop you an operated automaton with all of its special powers in speed upgrade and a chrome finish that qualifies as a mirror for monsters will stone vision.
Yea. It’s about time for a Random Determination of Subsystems table to go along with:
Random Determination of Tables table
Roll (2d6) Result
2 No table exists yet, but one is planned.
3-5 A table exists, but it is only available in an unpublished doc.
6-8 A table exists, but it is only available on the Autarch forums.
9-11 A table exists and has been published in the official rules.
12 No table is necessary.