Are there rules I’m overlooking for a basic cost of living for low-level adventurers? Instead of tracking each meal, ale, and minor expense, I’m wondering if there is a flat upkeep cost for poor, average or luxurious standards of living?
Duskreign’s Minion here.
I would suggest using the Henchmen Monthly Fee chart. It is in the Equipment section under Henchmen (just after the Hirling Availability by Market Class chart). This fee is only intended to cover food, lodging, and expenses, so it seems to be a good fit. It also scales nicely with level. (Apparently you have more expensive tastes at level 14 than you do at level 3)
If I’m handwaving, I am partial to 1% of xp in gold per month in tithe, tax, tottle, and titty until a stronghold is built (then those rules in acks would take over for tithing at least) I don’t remember if there is an ACKS rule.
As Duskreign points out, you should use the Henchmen Monthly Fee. I should make that explicit somewhere.
//I would suggest using the Henchmen Monthly Fee chart.//
I didn’t even think of this!
I’ll use this as my “standard” of living, and reduce it for poor living standards and double it or something for higher living standards. Good stuff.
For what it’s worth, monthly subsistence is about 1gp for an adult and 5sp (1/2gp) for a child. A family of 2 adults and 2 children is 3gp per month. A single adult laborer (3gp/month) can thus support a family…barely.
Hey Alex, or anyone, have any suggestions for giving small bonuses / penalties for poor quality of living versus luxurious quality of living?
I’m thinking a minor effect to encourage people to spend gold on living conditions.
Sounds like another good job for a random table. Living poor has to have a downside otherwise nobody will spend money for imaginary luxury. You decide to live in poor conditions, roll for a chance to: get lice, get a disease, get no sleep due to fighting neighbors, get mugged, etc.
Spending money on imaginary luxury is already rewarded through the reserve XP fund, isn’t it? Does there need to be more incentive than that?
“For what it’s worth, monthly subsistence is about 1gp for an adult and 5sp (1/2gp) for a child. A family of 2 adults and 2 children is 3gp per month. A single adult laborer (3gp/month) can thus support a family…barely.”
Always something we debate when trying to decide how much money is reasonable to pay common folk to do stuff. How much is 1 GP to a commoner? For a game as economically-minded as this, I think it would be invaluable to include this somewhere as well, as a kind of touchstone.
Baron, you’ve just given me a great idea. Under “money and coin” I’ll put a section called “How much is a gold piece worth”. Then I can list the costs of living of different types of people, etc.
Awesome, I think that will do a lot to help ground the economics!
//Spending money on imaginary luxury is already rewarded through the reserve XP fund, isn’t it? Does there need to be more incentive than that?//
Good point.
//You decide to live in poor conditions, roll for a chance to: get lice, get a disease, get no sleep due to fighting neighbors, get mugged, etc.//
Also a neat idea. I like it.