I've put together a build that is sort of a paladin with an emphasis on offernsive, take it to the enemy powers (particularly the Fighting Style bonus powers). He has Lay on Hands and some healing spells but he gains benefits when fighting weapon plus shield or two-handed weapon.
Level limit 14
Hit Die d6
R{rime Requisite Wis
HD1 Fighter2 Divine 1
Give up Unrestricted (1 power) and Broad (2 powers) weapons for a total of three bonus powers from weaon trade-offs.
Narrow Weapons chosen: Swords and Daggers, Spears/Pole Arms
Give up Two Weapon Fighting Style for one power
Give up Missile Bonus Damage for one power
500XP for HD +1000XP for Fighter +250XP for Divine = 1750XP+750XP for Fighter trade-offs = 2500XP
Save as Fighter, Use Fighter magic weapons. HP per level after 9th + 2.
Bonus Powers: Divine Blessing, Divine Health, Fighting Style: Two-Handed Weapon, Fighting Style: Weapon and Shield Lay on Hands
1st Level Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Light, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear
2nd level Bless, Delay Poison, Holy Chant, Resist Fire, Spiritual Weapon
3rd Level Continual Light, Cure Disease, Prayer, Remove Curse, Striking
4th Level Cure Serious Wounds, Neutralize Poison, Protection from Evil (Sustained), Smite Undead, Vigor
5th Level Dispel Evil, Flame Strike, Quest, Restore Life and Limb, Sword of Fire
Any input on names for each level is welcome, though I could always poach the Paladin nam es from the Player's Companion. Also I'm not too sure on Wis as a Prime Requisite.
Level XP
1 0
2 2500
3 5000
4 10000
5 20000
6 40000
7 80000
8 160000
9 300000
10 420000
11 540000
12 660000
13 780000
14 900000