I’m working on a read-through of the final .pdf file for Battles, and there are still some errors, as well as some stuff I’d question but that are probably intentional. I’ll be posting on a chapter by chapter basis in this thread. If I have time before the deadline hits, I’ll do another quick read of Campaigns, too. Just wanted to give the Autarchs a heads up.
I’ll do Campaigns again; I made a pass over the previous draft a couple weeks ago and posted issues to the Tiny Typo thread.
Pg. 7 under About The Game, the 2nd paragraph: the “or” between Savage Worlds and D&D 4th Edition is italicised, but shouldn’t be
Pg. 7 under About The Game, the 3rd paragraph reads, “…you’ll have both the Campaigns and Battle rulebooks…” but should read, “…you’ll have both the Campaigns and Battles rulebooks…”
Pg. 7 under How To Use This Book, the 4th paragraph reads, “…adjust the game to cover skirmishes with just a few score troops all the way to epic battles…” should probably read, “…adjust the game to cover everything from skirmishes with just a few score troops all the way to epic battles…” as the phrase “all the way to” implies a “from”
Pg. 8 under Inspirations it reads, “…is in the role of commanders and heroes…” but neither of the two highlighted terms are bolded, even though this is the first time they are used. This directly contradicts the defined use of bolding from the very next section (Terminology)
Pg. 8 under Terminology, the 6th paragraph reads, “In a campaign game, usually the PCs will be controlling one army and the Judge will be controlling the other…” and is slightly awkward, consider, “In a campaign game, the PCs will be controlling one army and the Judge will usually be controlling the other…”
It looks like all the bugs I pointed out at http://autarch.co/comment/15387#comment-15387 are still present in the current version of Campaigns. Additionally, some notes from the Vagaries chapter and glossary of Campaigns:
DaWC, page 90, Vagaries of War table - 69-72 (Legendary Leadership) and 72-76 (Supply Boon) have overlapping roll ranges.
DaWC, page 90-91, Friendly Peasants. “appraised” (to assess the quality or value of) here should be “apprised” (to inform or tell), both in the table text on page 90 and the event description on page 91.
DaWC, page 92, Severe Weather table, Swamp column is unique in that none of the entries have a percent chance of occurring (and ergo a chance of not occurring). Swamps dangerous.
DaWC, page 92, Siege Train Problems - “Making a saving throw versus Death for each artillery piece in the army.” Should be make instead of making.
DaWC, page 92, Spy Caught - “If there are no spies infiltrated into the army, then the army has killed a soldier that had just become a turncoat. Either way, the spy may be interrogated.” Kinda hard to interrogate the dead.
Desertion and Plans Discovered are both written as if they could happen to either army, which is reasonable, but they don’t appear on the table in both polarities. Irritating if I wasn’t planning on rolling every week for each NPC army.
DaWC page 93, Vagaries of Battle table - Die ranges for Heavy Debris and Deserters overlap, as do those of Monsters and Piles of Dead. Additionally, capitalization on the table entries for Booby Traps and Scattered Bodies is inconsistent with rest of table (“Scattered bodies” should be “Scattered Bodies”, “Booby traps” should be “Booby Traps”).
The Debris, Heavy descriptive text on the table reads “The battlefield is punctuated with breached stone wall, fallen trees, and ancient ruins” - “wall” should be “walls”. The full description does not suffer from this issue.
Piles of Dead descriptive text on both table and full description - “lay” (put down, esp. gently or carefully) should be “lie” (be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface).
Fog and Smoke’s description on the table is unusual in that it offers a parenthetical summary of the vagary’s effects. Recommend removal of this summary for consistency.
Deserters description - friendly vs enemy sides of battlefield somewhat unclear in the context of deserting units. Are they deserting back into friendly territory after being engaged in a more forward part of the battlefield, or trying to defect to the enemy?
Page 94, Miracle example - “Marcus’s army is trapped in the Waste with enemy straddling its lines of supply.” “enemy” needs a “the” beforehand.
Page 95 - Defending unit appears out of alphabetical order in the glossary, following assaulting unit rather than defending army.
Page 97, Judge - “S” should not be capitalized in “NPCS”
Page 97, lull in the fighting description - “during a battle, a period of up to one full turn (10 minutes) in between a battle turn during which PC and NPC heroes can…” should probably be “between battle turns” rather than “between a battle turn”
Page 97, Participating Units description - “Units in army which are engaged in fighting
a battle during a specific battle turn.” “in army” is either superfluous or too brief.
Page 97, Prisoner description - “Prisoners known 1d3 pieces of information, the nature of the information being determined by whether the prisoner is common, valuable, or very valuable.” “known” should be “know”
Page 98, Realm description - “a collection of domains under control of one powerful
leader.” Needs a “the” before “control”
Page 98, Requisition of Supplies description - “requisition of supplies” is not boldface.
Page 98, Siege Engineer description - spacing is weird, leading “A” is capitalized inconsistently with rest of glossary entries.
Page 100, Veteran description - “mercenary units with experience of real war”. As commented elsewhere, “experience of real war” is awkward compared to “experience in real war”.
Page 100, Workbeast description - does not end with a “.”, as do other glossary entries.
Domains at War Battles, page 105 - “Ysgre trample the thrones of mankind beneath her mammoth tread with this behemoth cavalry unit.” “trample” should be “tramples”.
Hellhounds description, also Battles page 105 - is breath weapon damage really supposed to be quadrupled at battalion scale? The battalion damage multiplier is only x2… Same question applies to stormstalker breath weapons.
Page 108, Azar el-Zardez’s sword has Detect Devil as one of its detection abilities. Should this be Detect Evil?
Page 108, Azar has 14 Wis (+1), 9 Int (-0), and Military Strategy 3, so his Strategic Ability should be +4. However, on page 103, it is listed as +3. Am I missing something?
How effective is dragon turtle breath against structures?
Knights of the Winged Sun description on page 109 - replace all references to mages with clerics.
Chapter 1: Basic Rules
Pg. 10, the 1st paragraph reads, “It includes only what’s necessary to fight a straightforward…” with the highlighted contraction; is this due to space/justification? It is otherwise nearly unique in the two books.
Pg. 10 under Sides, Armies, Divisions, and Units, the 3rd paragraph reads, “…assortment of unit counters, scaled for use with 2” hexes (see below), is included…" and is a tricky sentence. While technically correct, with the singular verb form “is” referring to the “assortment,” the rest of the sentence refers to the “counters.” Notional agreement with “counters” would use the plural form of the verb “are,” which is probably what I would use here, as “scaled for use” is not referring to the “assortment.”
Pg. 10-11 under Battlemaps And Hexes, the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs imply different sizes for the battlemap, with the 2nd paragraph referring to “25 hexes wide and 19 hexes deep” while the 3rd paragraph describes two battlemaps together as being “48 hexes wide and 18 hexes deep”…which is correct? The rulebook and current hexmap .pdf files appear to be the latter…
Pg. 11 under Sequence Of Play, the 3rd paragraph reads, “…or exited the battlefield (p. 19)…” but the topic on page 19 reads, “Units can voluntarily exit the battlemap…” and the reference is not immediately clear. Consider changing the initial sentence to, “…or have voluntarily exited the battlefield (p. 19)…” for clarity.
Pg. 12 under Units reads, “Since each 2” hex represents 60’ of ground, the unit counters are 2" wide and 1.16" deep." There is no clear reason or relationship to the previous explanation for the 1.16" dimension of the counters. Is this the correct size of the counters? EDIT: some awkward math later and this appears to be the length of a side on a 2" hex…maybe I’m not so bright, but I can see a lot of readers being puzzled by this.
Pg. 12 under Irregular Mounted reads, “…include Assyrian war dogs, Arabian camel riders and Hellenistic war elephants…” but should read, “include Assyrian war dogs, Arabian camel riders, and Hellenistic war elephants…” (missing comma)
Pg. 12 under Loose Mounted reads, “…as well as Roman auxiliary cavalry and Numidian and Persian light cavalry…” but should read, “…as well as Roman auxiliary cavalry, and Numidian and Persian light cavalry.” (missing comma)
Pg. 13 under Unit Morale reads, “…Unit Morale also would modify loyalty rolls made when…” is slightly clumsy, consider, “…Unit Morale would also modify loyalty rolls made when…”
Pg. 13 under Unit Conditions, the 7th paragraph reads, “…use a single figure base with a pile of dropped bows…” but should read, “…use a single-figure base with a pile of dropped bows.” (missing hyphen)
Pg. 14 the top of the left column reads, “See Movement Sequence (p. 18) and Attack Sequence (p. 20) for additional details on the impact of unit facing…” but should read, “See Movement Sequence (p. 18) and Attack Sequence (p. 20) for additional details on the impact of unit facing.” (missing period at end of sentence)
Pg. 14 under Officers, the 1st paragraph reads, “…the scenario designer will select the generals, commanders and lieutenants participating…” but should read, “…the scenario designer will select the generals, commanders, and lieutenants participating…” (missing comma)
Pg. 14 under Officers, the 2nd paragraph reads, “In campaign battle…” but should read, “In a campaign battle…”
Pg. 14 under Officer Characteristics, the 1st paragraph reads, “…characteristics of the generals, commanders and lieutenants participating…” but should read, “…characteristics of the generals, commanders, and lieutenants participating…” (missing comma)
Pg. 14 under Strategic Ability the parenthetical text reads, “(Strategic ability also plays a significant role in certain mechanics in Domains at War: Campaigns).” with the period outside the parentheses. The period should be inside
Pg. 15 under Loss Of An Officer, the 1st paragraph reads, “…an officer might survive the destruction or rout of his unit).” but should read, “an officer might survive the destruction or rout of his unit.)” (period should be inside parentheses)
Pg. 15 under Loss Of An Officer, the 3rd paragraph reads, “(This
can create large, unwieldy divisions, of course).” but should read, “(This
can create large, unwieldy divisions, of course.)” (period should be inside parentheses)
Pg. 16 under Important Note it reads, “…increase the width of the each area…” but should read, “…increase the width of each area…”
Pg. 17 under Tie Breaking, the 1st paragraph reads, “…the commander’s strategic ability scores are tied…” should read, “…the commanders’ strategic ability scores are tied…” (misplace apostrophe)
Pg. 18 under Command Phase, the 4th paragraph reads, “The unit’s disorder token, if any…” but should read, “The unit’s disordered token, if any…” to match usage elsewhere in the document
Pg. 18 under Movement Sequence, the 2nd paragraph reads, “…defend (p. 24), or ready to attack (p. 24)…” but should read, “…defend (p. 24), or ready to attack (p. 25).” (incorrect page reference)
Pg. 19 under General Movement Rules, the 2nd paragraph reads, “…the units will cost one additional AP to activate next combat round if it is still outside of the commander’s zone…” but should read, “…the units will cost one additional AP to activate next combat round if they are still outside of the commander’s zone…” (missing agreement with units plural)
Pg. 19 under General Movement Rules, the last paragraph reads, “Outside of the movement sequence, unit may also choose…” but should read, “Outside of the movement sequence, a unit may also choose…”
Pg. 21 under Declare A Target, the 4th paragraph of missile target requirements reads, “…or one of the closest if multiple enemy are equidistant…” should read, “…or one of the closest if multiple enemy units are equidistant…”
Pg. 21 under Resolve Reaction Attack Sequence, the 6th paragraph reads, “A reaction attack sequence may be with either melee or missile…” but should read, “A reaction attack sequence may be made with either melee or missile…”
Pg. 21 under Resolve Reaction Attack Sequence, the 7th paragraph reads, “…and this step is ignored (e.g. there are no nested reactions to reactions)…” but should read, “…and this step is ignored (i.e. there are no nested reactions to reactions).” (the parenthetical part is not an example, but a restatement)
Pg. 22 under Resolve Reaction Attack Sequence, the 1st paragraph on the page reads, “…units “set for charge” deal extra damage to charging opponents).” should read, “…units “set for charge” deal extra damage to charging opponents.)” (period should be inside parentheses)
Pg. 22 under Resolve Reaction Attack Sequence, the 2nd paragraph on the page reads, “…it must attack the reacting unit instead of its original attack…” should read, “…it must attack the reacting unit instead of its original target…” (incorrect object)
Pg. 22 under Deal Damage, the 4th paragraph reads, “…the commander controlling the target decides which of the eligible hexes his unit withdraws onto…” should read, “…the commander controlling the target decides which of the eligible hexes his unit withdraws into.” (agreement with earlier preposition)
Pg. 23 under Resolve Shock, the Unit Shock table lists Adjusted Die Roll entries for 6-9 (Recoil), and 9+ (Stand Firm); obviously, one of these is in error, presumably the 6-9.
Pg. 23 under Resolve Shock, the Shock Modifiers table reads, “Unit has taken damage of 50% or more of its maximum uhp” but could read, “Unit has taken damage equal to 50% or more of its maximum uhp” (clarity, agreement with phrasing elsewhere)
Pg. 23 under Resolve Shock, the 2nd paragraph reads, “…from having taken damage equal to 50% or more of its starting uhp…” but could read, “…from having taken damage equal to 50% or more of its maximum uhp” (clarity, agreement with phrasing elsewhere)
Pg. 23 under Retreating, bottom-right of page reads, “If the target of a melee attack routs, retreats or withdraws…” but should read, “If the target of a melee attack routs, retreats, or withdraws…” (missing comma)
Pg. 24 under Voluntary Retreat reads, “…e.g. the Loose Mounted cannot “retreat” parallel to or towards the target…” should read, “…e.g. the Loose Mounted unit cannot “retreat” parallel to or towards the target…” (missing word)
Pg. 24 under Voluntary Retreat reads, “The Loose Mounted unit’s facing does not change facing when it voluntarily retreats.” should read, “The Loose Mounted unit’s facing does not change when it voluntarily retreats.”
Pg. 24 under Unpredictable Creatures, the 2nd paragraph reads, “This attack will be a trample (p. 31) if possible…” but should read, “This attack will be a trample (p. 51) if possible…” (incorrect page reference)
Pg. 25 under Morale Phase, the 1st paragraph after the example reads, “…which can occur several times per combat round if, e.g., a unit takes damage reducing it to ½ hp or less from several different attacks, a unit only ever makes one morale roll…” consider changing to, “…which can occur several times per combat round (e.g. if a unit takes damage reducing it to ½ hp or less from several different attacks), a unit only ever makes one morale roll…” (clarity)
Pg. 26 under Pursuit, the Pursuing Unit table lists Pursuit Throw values for various unit types; is there any circumstance under which Loose or Other Foot will make Pursuit Throws at the values listed on the table? It seems that under all circumstances under which they will be able to pursue, they will also receive the +4 to the Throw for all the defeated army’s Mounted and Flyer units being eliminated. The example that follows also appears to be incorrect, as Army A should be receiving the above +4 to its Pursuit Throws (as Army A gets to choose which units of Army B to eliminate due to all of Army B’s Mounted, and presumably Flyer, units were routed or destroyed)…
Pg. 27 under Routed Units it reads, “Half of the defeated army’s routed, wounded troops become prisoners (round up) and the rest become deserters…” but should read, “Half of the defeated army’s routed, wounded troops become prisoners (round up), and the rest become deserters.” (missing comma)
Chapter 2: Terrain
Pg. 29 the 1st paragraph reads, “The basic rules assume that the battlefield was a flat, level plain…” but should read, “The basic rules assume that the battlefield is a flat, level plain…” (tense agreement with rest of paragraph; yes, it could still be correct, but it’s needlessly awkward)
Pg. 29 under Random Terrain Generation, step 3 reads, “Place the terrain piece so that at least one of its hexes on the hex where the die comes to rest…” but should read, “Place the terrain piece so that at least one of its hexes lies on the hex where the die comes to rest.” (missing word)
Pg. 29 under Random Terrain Generation, step 3 reads, “(See the terrain types section for streams and trenches for instructions on how to randomly place streams and trenches.)” but could read, “(See under Terrain Types, p. 32, for instructions on how to randomly place streams and trenches).
Pg. 29 under Elevated it reads, “Units on elevated terrain receive +1 to attack throws against units on unelevated elevation…” but could this not read, “Units on elevated terrain receive +1 to attack throws against units on a lower elevation…” or does this miss some nuance?
Pg. 29 on the Random Battlemap Terrain table the Barren line is missing an entry for 17-18
Pg. 30 the second example reads, “The small hill’s hex are elevated…” but should read, “The small hill’s hex is elevated…” (subject/verb agreement)
Pg. 30 under Rough, the paragraph reads, “…counts as two hexes of movement. (Units may always march a minimum of one hex in rough terrain, however).” This should perhaps read, “…counts as two hexes of movement (units may always march a minimum of one hex in rough terrain, however).”
Pg. 31 the 1st example reads, “Orc C may missile attack Light Cavalry A, but it receives a +2 bonus to its AC.” This should read, “Orc C may missile attack Light Cavalry A, but Light Cavalry A receives a +2 bonus to its AC.” (clarity)
Pg. 32 under Streams, step 1 reads, “Drop 1d20 from a height of 1’ above the center of the battlemap. Mark the hexes where the die comes to a rest. The stream will follow a line that crosses through the two hexes rolled and extends in each direction…” but which two hexes? Should the roll be 2d20 and state, “…where the dice come to a rest…”?
Pg. 33 under Earthen Rampart reads, “Earthen Rampart: Earthen rampart are cliffs/mountains…” but should read, “Earthen Rampart: Earthen ramparts are cliffs/mountains…” (missing plural)
Pg. 33 under Walls, the last paragraph reads, “(A low wall stays broken ground, only now it is rubble).” This should read, “(A low wall stays broken ground, only now it is rubble.)” (period outside parentheses)
Chapter 3: Strategic Situations
Pg. 35 under Meeting Engagement, it reads, “…rear guard action pits every division of an offensive army against the rear guard divisions (see below)…” but should read, “…rear guard action pits every division of an offensive army against the rear guard (see below) divisions …” (consistent highlight usage)
Pg. 35-36 the descriptions for Skirmish and Rear Guard Action are reversed from their order in the initial list of the eight strategic situations, whereas the rest of the descriptions are in the same order as the initial list.
Pg. 36 under Ambush, the paragraph reads, “Instead of the Standard Default Deployment Zone table, use the Ambush Deployment Zone table, below…” but should probably read, “Instead of the default Standard Deployment Zones (p. 16), use the Ambush Deployment Zones shown in Illustration 1-12, below.” (clarity, matching previous usage, illustration/figure not a table)
Pg. 36 under Deployment Restrictions, the paragraph reads, “The ambushing army (Army A) may not have more than ¼ of its total number of units deployed in any individual area except the Center.” There is no area marked as the Center. The area that would appear to correspond to the Ambushing Army’s Center is labeled as Ambushing Army Rear Guard; where is the location that the Ambushing Army may deploy more than ¼ of its units?
Pg. 37 under Envelopment, the 1st paragraph reads, “Instead of the Standard Default Deployment Zone table, use the Envelopment Deployment Zone table, below …” but should probably read, “Instead of the default Standard Deployment Zones (p. 16), use the Envelopment Deployment Zones shown in Illustration 1-13, below.” (clarity, matching previous usage, illustration/figure not a table)
Pg. 37 under Envelopment, the 2nd paragraph reads, “The enveloping army (Army A) may not have more than 1/4 of its total number of units…” and the formatting of ¼ is different than previous usage under Ambush
Pg. 38 under Deep Envelopment, the 1st paragraph reads, “Instead of the Standard Default Deployment Zone table, use the Deep Envelopment Deployment Zone table, below…” but should probably read, “Instead of the default Standard Deployment Zones (p. 16), use the Deep Envelopment Deployment Zones shown in Illustration 1-14, below.” (clarity, matching previous usage, illustration/figure not a table)
Pg. 37 under Deep Envelopment, the 2nd paragraph reads, “The enveloping army (Army A) may not have more than 1/4 of its total number of units…” and the formatting of ¼ is different than previous usage under Ambush
Pg. 37 under Rear Guard Envelopment, the 1st paragraph reads, “Use the Envelopment Deployment Zone table, above…” but should probably read, “Use the Envelopment Deployment Zones, above.”
Boboblah, thanks very much! I’ll make sure these are addressed.
Chapter 3: Heroes
Pg. 40 the 1st paragraph reads, “In the basic rules, officers (p. 14) are permanently attached to their units (p. 12)…” but should read, “In the basic rules, officers (p. 14) are permanently attached to their units (p. 11)…” (incorrect page reference)
Pg. 40 under the 1st example reads, “Marcus qualifies because he is a general, and also because has at least nine levels of experience…” but should read, “Marcus qualifies because he is a general, and also because he has at least seven levels of experience.” (missing pronoun, incorrect number of levels)
Pg. 40 under Officer Characteristics reads, “A hero’s officer characteristics include leadership ability, zone of control, strategic ability, and morale modifier (p. 14-15)…” but should read, “A hero’s officer characteristics include leadership ability, zone of control, strategic ability, and morale modifier (p. 14).” (incorrect page reference)
Pg. 40 under Unit Characteristics reads, “…as explained below, attacks against heroes always deal personal hp of damage…” but should read, “…as explained below, attacks against heroes always deal personal hp damage.” (unnecessary preposition)
Pg. 41 on the Activation & Initiative table, under Commander/Independent Hero it reads, “Share command phase with his division” but should read, “Shares command phase with his division” (verb subject agreement)
Pg. 42 under Withdrawal it reads, “…he may reduce uhp of damage dealt…” but should read, “…he may reduce the uhp of damage dealt…” (missing article)
Pg. 42 under Eligibility To Use Spells, etc. it reads, “…his unit may still attack or take an action in lieu of attacking).” This should read, ”… his unit may still attack or take an action in lieu of attacking.)” (period outside parentheses)
Pg. 42 under Eligibility To Use Spells, etc. it reads, “…In order to cast spells, or any abilities or magic item requiring concentration…” but should read, “…In order to cast spells, or use any abilities or magic items requiring concentration…” (missing word, missing plural)
Pg. 43 under Targeting And Effect Of Spells, etc. it reads, “Spells, special abilities or magic items may be used…” but should read, “Spells, special abilities, or magic items may be used…” (missing comma)
Pg. 44 under Cloudkill, it is stated that on a roll of 1-2 on 1d6, the cloud moves 1 hex. Who decides where it moves?
Pg. 44 under Conjure Elemental it reads, “If the attacker moves or takes damage he loses control of the elemental.” This should read, “If the caster moves or takes damage he loses control of the elemental.”
Pg. 45 at top right of page it reads, “(It may speed up play to assume average results of 3.5 per die).” This should read, “(It may speed up play to assume average results of 3.5 per die.)” (period outside parentheses)
Pg. 45 under Fear it reads, “The unit must make a saving throw against Spells…” but should read, “The unit must make a saving throw versus Spells…” (usage consistent with elsewhere in the document)
Pg. 45 under Flame Strike it reads, “A unit may never lose more than 1/8th its maximum uhp…” the formatting of 1/8th differs here from previous usage (under Burning Hands and Call Lightning), but matches later usage (under Fireball)
Pg. 46 under Phantasmal Force it reads, “…may not replicate spells with a auditory, thermal, or tactile component…” but should read, “…may not replicate spells with an auditory, thermal, or tactile component…” (incorrect article)
Pg. 46 under Wall Of Fire it reads, “Units of man-sized creatures will take 8 points of damage, while units of large creatures will take 2 points of damage and units of huge creatures will take 1 point of damage…” but should read, “Units of man-sized creatures will take 8 points of damage, while units of large creatures will take 2 points of damage, and units of huge creatures will take 1 point of damage.” (missing comma)
Pg. 47 under Charms, the 2nd paragraph reads, “On a result of 2-, the unit will attempt to kill their charmed commander. On a result of 3-5, the units will attempt to capture or subdue him. On a 6-8, the unit will take no action. On 9-10, the units will follow his commands. On a 12+, the units will follow his commands…” but should read, “On a result of 2-, the unit will attempt to kill their charmed commander. On a result of 3-5, the unit will attempt to capture or subdue him. On a 6-8, the unit will take no action. On 9-11, the unit will follow his commands. On a 12+, the unit will follow his commands…” (incorrect pluralization, missing result for a roll of 11)
Pg. 48 under Acid it reads, “(This effect occurs regardless of whether the unit is activated during the phase)…” but should read, “(This effect occurs regardless of whether the unit is activated during the phase.)” (period outside parentheses)
Pg. 48 under the 1st example it reads, “…and cleans off acid, ending the acidic effects.” This should read, “…and cleans off the acid, ending the acidic effects.” (missing article)
Pg. 48 under Aura it reads, “(This effect occurs regardless of whether the unit is activated during the phase).” This should read, “(This effect occurs regardless of whether the unit is activated during the phase.)” (period outside parentheses)
Pg. 49 under Charming Gaze it reads, “…draw an imaginary line straight from the center of the activated unit’s hex to the center of the petrifying unit’s hex.” Replace all instances of “petrifying” in this paragraph with “charming”
Pg. 49 under Charming Gaze it reads, “…the activated unit gains a +4 bonus to its saving throw at two-hex range, +8 at a three-hex range…” but should read, “…the activated unit gains a +4 bonus to its saving throw at a two-hex range, +8 at a three-hex range…” (missing article)
Pg. 49 under Charming Gaze it reads, “(Thus units at a range of six hexes or more will automatically succeed).” This should read, “(Thus units at a range of six hexes or more will automatically succeed.)” (period outside parentheses)
Pg. 49 under Charming Gaze it reads, “This represents the reduced chance of making “eye contact” with enemy on a crowded, distracting battlefield.” This should read, “This represents the reduced chance of making “eye contact” with an enemy unit on a crowded, distracting battlefield.” Or, alternately, “This represents the reduced chance of making “eye contact” with the enemy on a crowded, distracting battlefield.”
Pg. 49 under Charming Gaze, the 2nd paragraph reads, “…but they are so disoriented that the only actions they make take are to stand fast or march…” but should read, “…but they are so disoriented that the only actions they may take are to stand fast or march…”
Pg. 49 under Chimera Breath it reads, “…subject to the Maximum Simultaneous Spells/Special Abilities limits (see p. 42).” This should read, “…subject to the Maximum Simultaneous Spells/Special Abilities limits (see p. 43).” (incorrect page reference)
Pg. 50 the 1st full paragraph reads, “Units of less than 3 HD subject to dragon fear immediately becomes disordered (if not already), change facing towards their own battlemap edge, and retreat 1 hex. Thereafter, at the start of the morale phase of each combat round, the units must retreat a number of hexes equal to their hustling movement rate towards their friendly map edge. This continues until the effect is dispelled, the unit leaves the battlemap, or 30 combat rounds have elapsed. The unit may not be activated while the spell is in effect. Units with 3HD to 6HD subject to dragon fear suffer -1 to attack throws against the dragon until the effect is dispelled.” This should read, “Units of less than 3 HD subject to dragon fear immediately become disordered (if not already), change facing towards their own battlemap edge, and retreat 1 hex. Thereafter, at the start of the morale phase of each combat round, the unit must retreat a number of hexes equal to its hustling movement rate towards its friendly map edge. This continues until the effect is dispelled, the unit leaves the battlemap, or 30 combat rounds have elapsed. The unit may not be activated while subject to the effects of dragon fear. Units with 3HD to 6HD subject to dragon fear suffer -1 to attack throws against the dragon until the effect is dispelled.” (clarity, verb subject agreement; in reality this paragraph should probably all be changed to singular)
Pg. 50 under Petrifying Gaze it reads, “…the activated unit gains a +4 bonus to its saving throw at two-hex range, +8 at a three-hex range…” but should read, “…the activated unit gains a +4 bonus to its saving throw at a two-hex range, +8 at a three-hex range…” (missing article)
Pg. 51 the 1st paragraph reads, “(Thus units at a range of six hexes or more will automatically succeed). This represents the reduced chance of making “eye contact” with enemy on a crowded, distracting battlefield.” This should read, “(Thus units at a range of six hexes or more will automatically succeed.) This represents the reduced chance of making “eye contact” with an enemy unit on a crowded, distracting battlefield.” (period outside parentheses, also see the 4th note for Charming Gaze pg. 49)
Pg. 51 Petrifying Touch: do attacks such as this, Energy Drain, etc. inflict 1 uhp/target UHD additional damage per attack, per attack sequence, or per UHP initially inflicted?
Pg. 51 under Regeneration it reads, “Neither trolls nor throghrin may regenerate uhp of damage dealt by fire.” This should read, “Neither trolls nor throghrin may regenerate uhp of damage dealt by fire or acid.”
Pg. 51 the table is titled Cleric Turning Undead, but is referred to in the text exclusively as the Turning Undead in Battle table.
Pg. 51 the Cleric Turning Undead table lists a turn attempt against 10HD/Infernal by either 10th or 11th level clerics as inflicting 41 uhp of damage. The pattern followed by every other line on the table would have the 11th level clerics inflicting 44 uhp of damage…
I hate, hate, HATE the lack of edit on this forum…that should be Chapter 4: Heroes.
Chapter 5: Assaults
Pg. 53 under size, “Thus there are 3 hexes of wall per 200’ or 5 hexes of wall per 300.” This should read, “Thus there are 3 hexes of wall per 200’ or 5 hexes of wall per 300’.” (missing symbol for feet)
Pg. 53 under Armor Class: what about metal fortifications (e.g. Barad-dur)? Even if it’s just an AC and SHP modification (e.g. +1 AC and x2 SHP) and a cost multiplier (e.g. x10, or whatever)
Pg. 54 under SHP it reads, “…collapsing stone and timber deal 8 hits to any occupying units and 8d6 damage to any occupying heroes (p. 40).” This should read, “…collapsing stone and timber deal 8 points of damage to any occupying units and 8d6 damage to any occupying heroes (p. 40).” (matching usage elsewhere in the document)
Pg. 55 under Entering Strongholds, 2nd last paragraph reads, “They must first destroy or retreat (p. 23) the enemy unit(s).” When did retreat become a transitive verb? This is obviously intentional, as it’s used multiple times in this chapter, but it’s odd. Is it a space/layout issue? How about, “They must first destroy the enemy unit(s) or force them to retreat (p. 23).”
Pg. 55 under Movement During Assaults, the 1st paragraph reads, “…units may move from one of the stronghold’s fortified structure to another of its fortified structures in the same or an adjacent hex…” but should read, “…units may move from one of the stronghold’s fortified structures to another of its fortified structures in the same or an adjacent hex…” (missing plural)
Pg. 56 in the 2nd paragraph, see retreat as a transitive verb, above.
Pg. 56 under Threatening During Assaults it reads, “Because there is no facing within fortified structures, threat is always mutual.” This should read, “Because there is no facing within fortified structures, threat is always mutual, barring exceptional circumstances (e.g. units harmed only by magical weapons).”
Pg. 56 under the2nd example it reads, “His story is breached.” This should read, “This story is breached.” Although someone’s story is about to get breached!
Pg. 56 under Missile Attacks, the 1st example reads, “Bowman A gains a +1 bonus to is missile attacks against Hobgoblin C…” but should read, “Bowman A gains a +1 bonus to its missile attacks against Hobgoblin C…” (pronoun typo)
Pg. 57 under Saving Throws, Shock, and Morale it reads, “Units occupying any story of a fortified structure gain a +2 bonus to shock rolls (p. 23) and morale rolls (p. 25) and a +4 bonus on saving throws versus Blast.” This should read, “Units occupying any story of a fortified structure gain a +2 bonus to shock rolls (p. 23) and morale rolls (p. 25), and a +4 bonus on saving throws versus Blast.” (comma added for clarity of following sentence)
Pg. 57 under Retreat And Advancement, at the top of the right-hand column it reads, “If all the units occupying the structure (or story of a multi-story structure) are destroyed or retreated at the conclusion of a melee…” once again using “retreated”. Consider, “If all the units occupying the structure (or story of a multi-story structure) are destroyed or forced to retreat at the conclusion of a melee…”
Pg. 58 under Cauldrons it reads, “A Foot unit can be equipped with cauldrons to pour boiling water, oil, or sand over walls or through murder holes on assaulting troops.” This should read, “A Foot unit can be equipped with cauldrons to pour boiling water, oil, or sand over walls or through murder holes on to assaulting troops.”
Pg. 58 under Hoist states that a unit unequips and loses its hoist if it ever retreats. What about if it makes a melee attack (I have no real idea what a hoist looks like; google was no help, so an illustration would be illuminating)?
Pg. 58 under Moveable Galleries it reads, “Because of the encumbrance of the galleries, an equipped unit move as War Machinery with a/ movement rate of -/1/2.” This should read, “Because of the encumbrance of the galleries, an equipped unit moves as War Machinery with a movement rate of -/1/2.” (verb subject agreement, errant forward slash)
Pg. 58 under Moveable Galleries it reads, “A unit unequips and loses its galleries if it ever makes a melee attack, becomes threatened, or retreats.” Why do moveable galleries unequip when the so-equipped unit is threatened, but other siege equipment does not?
Pg. 58 under Moveable Mantlets it reads, “Mark the equipped unit with a token or counter.” This should read, “Mark the equipped unit with a token.” (matching previous usage; alternately, previous usage should add, “…or counter”)
Pg. 58 under Ram Catcher it reads, “Mark the equipped unit with a token or counter.” This should read, “Mark the equipped unit with a token.” (matching previous usage; alternately, previous usage should add, “…or counter”)
Pg. 58 under Siege Hook it reads, “Mark the equipped unit with a token or counter.” This should read, “Mark the equipped unit with a token.” (matching previous usage; alternately, previous usage should add, “…or counter”)
Pg. 58 under Siege Hook it states that only units on the top story of an exterior fortified structure may be targeted; what about units occupying a story that has been breached?
Pg. 59 under Siege Ladders it reads, “Mark the equipped unit with a token or counter.” This should read, “Mark the equipped unit with a token.” (matching previous usage; alternately, previous usage should add, “…or counter”)
Pg. 59 why is there a Siege Tower Size characteristic, when all siege towers are one hex in size?
Pg. 59 under Siege Tower Crew, the last paragraph reads, “A Labor unit is treated as one unit for purposes of activation…” but should read, “A Labor unit is treated as one unit for the purposes of activation…”
Pg. 60 under Assaulting with Siege Towers, the 1st example reads, “The unit can now move into the wall’s top (fourth) story.” This should read, “The unit can now move onto the wall’s top (fourth) story.”
Pg. 60 under Assaulting with Siege Towers, the 2nd example reads, “A unit of heavy infantry with a movement rate of 1/2 is on the first story…” but should read, “A unit of heavy infantry with a movement rate of 1/2/3 is on the first story…” (missing charging movement rate)
Pg. 60 under Assaulting with Siege Towers, the 3rd non-example paragraph reads, “They must first destroy or retreat the enemy unit(s).” Consider using, “They must first destroy the enemy unit(s) or force them to retreat.” (use of retreat, see above)
Pg. 61 under Artillery Movement it reads, “War Machinery cannot cross swamp, streams, trenches, ditches, walls or moats…” but should read, “War Machinery cannot cross swamps, streams, trenches, ditches, walls, or moats…” (missing plural, missing comma)
Pg. 62 the 1st example reads, “Medium Counterweight Trebuchet with a missile attack throw of 9+…” out of curiosity, why does the Trebuchet have an attack throw of 9+ (presumably crew), and is it worth mentioning it in the example?
Chapter 6: Scale
Pg. 64 under Scaling Up The Game, it reads, “(Remember that the basic game is fought at company scale, p. 10).” This should read, “(Remember that the basic game is fought at company scale, p. 10.)” (period outside parentheses)
Pg. 64 under Battalion Scale it states sizes for man-sized cavalry and infantry; what about Huge, Gigantic and Colossal creatures/units?
Pg. 64 under Brigade Scale it states sizes for man-sized cavalry and infantry; what about Huge, Gigantic and Colossal creatures/units?
Pg. 65 under Officers And Heroes At Epic Scale, the 2nd paragraph reads, “A single PC with wand of fireballs…” but should read, “A single PC with a wand of fireballs…” (missing indefinite article)
Pg. 65 under Hero Visibility At Epic Scale it reads, “See the table on the preceding page for visibility distance (p. 42) at each scale.” This should read, “See the table above for visibility distance (p. 42) at each scale.”
Pg. 66 under Fear it reads, “At brigzade scale, this spell has no effect on units.” This should read, “At brigade scale, this spell has no effect on units.” (typo)
Pg. 66 under Flame Strike it reads, “…and the target unit loses 1 uhp if and only it fails its saving throw.” This should read, “…and the target unit loses 1 uhp if, and only if, it fails its saving throw.” (missing commas, missing word)
Pg. 66 under Fireball it reads, “This spell’s range is reduced to six hexes at battalion scale and three hexes at brigade spell.” This should read, “This spell’s range is reduced to six hexes at battalion scale and three hexes at brigade scale.” (typo)
Pg. 67 under Transmute Rock to Mud it reads, “…it can create a one-hex growth of mud.” This should read, “…it can create a one-hex area of mud.”
Pg. 67 under Wall of Fire, the Wall does not appear to do any damage at Brigade scale; is this correct?
Pg. 67 under Fortified Structures it reads, “…using the Epic Scale Fortified Structures table above.” This should read, “…using the Epic Scale Fortified Structures table, below.” (wrong location for table, missing comma)
Pg. 68 under Fortified Structures, the 1st example it reads, “…surrounded by six 60’ wall segments (each with 2 stories with 450 shp).” This should read, “…surrounded by six 60’ wall segments (each with 2 stories with 450 shp each).” (missing word)
Pg. 68 under Damaging Epic-Scale Structures, the 1st example reads, “But we’ve already halved the keep’s shp, so damage is instead doubled).” This should read, “But we’ve already halved the keep’s shp, so damage is instead doubled.)” (period outside parentheses)
Pg. 68 under Siege Equipment, the last paragraph reads, “See the Battalion Scale Siege Towers and Brigade Scale Siege Towers tables, on the preceding page.” This should read, “See the Battalion Scale Siege Towers and Brigade Scale Siege Towers tables, below.” (wrong location for table)
Pg. 68 on the Battalion and Brigade Scale Siege Tower tables the 1st row on each table lists the number of siege towers (e.g. 16 Standard Siege Tower) as singular, but should list them as plural (e.g. 16 Standard Siege Towers)
Pg. 69 on the Epic Scale Artillery Unit Size table the row for Medium Catapult lists the unit size as 4 at Battalion Scale and 16 at Brigade Scale. This should be 8 at Brigade Scale.
Pg. 69 under Platoon Scale no numbers are given for what constitutes a unit of Huge or Gigantic creatures at Platoon Scale; why not? See Battalion and Brigade scale notes, above.
Pg. 69 under Unit Missile Attack Ranges, the 1st example reads, “A platoon-sized unit of light infantry therefore can make a missile attack with a range of four hexes.” This should read, “A platoon-sized unit of light infantry can therefore make a missile attack with a range of four hexes.”” (misplaced adverb)
Pg. 69 under Colossal Creature Units, the 1st paragraph reads, “Multiply the unit’s uhp and unit number of attacks by four…” but should read, “Multiply the unit’s uhp and number of attacks by four…” (matching previous usage)
Pg. 70 under Qualifying As A Platoon Scale Officer etc., it reads, “Platoon-sized units require less experienced offers.” This should read, “Platoon-sized units require less experienced officers.” (spelling)
Pg. 70 under Unit Characteristics For Heroes etc., it reads, “Like units at platoon scale, heroes at platoon scale have their unit movement rates and missile attack ranges are doubled.” This should read, “Like units at platoon scale, heroes at platoon scale have their unit movement rates and missile attack ranges doubled.” (extra word)
Pg. 70 the placement of the Platoon Scale Visibility Distance table is odd, as it appears under Attacks On Heroes By Units, breaking the flow. It should be moved under Hero Visibility At Platoon Scale. This does not appear to affect pagination.
Pg. 70 under Spells And Items At Platoon Scale the formatting for ½ varies between different effect descriptions.
Pg. 71 under Fireball it states that a unit may never lose more than half its uhp to the spell. Why? Fireball is more than capable of killing 30 infantry…
Pg. 71 under Insect Plague it states that the swarm cannot move through walls of fire. Shouldn’t walls of ice be included (as they also cause damage)? This would be true for the entries under Standard (Company) and Epic Scales, as well.
Pg. 72 under Move Earth it reads, “…prior to a battle, during set up, to place…” but should read, “…prior to a battle during set up to place…” (matching previous style; my personal feeling is that this instance is correct, but it appears that a stylistic attempt to minimize commas has been made throughout the text)
Pg. 72 under Horn of Blasting it reads, “…and extended straight to the center of a target hex, three hexes away.” This should read, “…and extended straight to the center of a target hex, two hexes away.” (area of effect is 3 hexes, range is 2 hexes)
Pg. 73 under Monstrous Units it states that these units include fewer creatures at Platoon Scale, but nowhere have we seen how many that would be.
Pg. 73 under Damage From Sieges Preceding The Assault etc., the example reads, “A besieger dealing 1,000 shp of damage normally would create one breach.” This should read, “A besieger dealing 1,000 shp of damage would normally create one breach.” (clarity, previous phrasing awkward)
Pg. 73 under Damage From Sieges Preceding The Assault etc., the example reads, “The besieger therefore can allocate two breaches.” This should read, “The besieger can therefore allocate two breaches.” (clarity, previous phrasing awkward)
Pg. 73 under Siege Equipment, the 1st example reads, “Marcus has four platoon-scale units of heavy infantry. He wishes to equip two units with battering rams, one unit with movable mantlets, and one unit with hoists. It takes six 20’ battering rams to equip two units. It takes three movable mantlets to equip one unit. (It would only take two more mantlets to equip a second unit). It take two hoists to equip one unit. (It would take one more hoist to equip a second unit).” This should read, “Marcus has four platoon-scale units of heavy infantry. He wishes to equip two units with battering rams, one unit with movable mantlets, and one unit with hoists. It takes three 20’ battering rams to equip two units. It takes three movable mantlets to equip one unit. (It would only take two more mantlets to equip a second unit.) It take two hoists to equip one unit. (It would take one more hoist to equip a second unit.)” (incorrect number of rams per preceding table, periods outside parentheses for complete sentences)
I’ve started trying to highlight changes a little more clearly. Proofreading markup would make this process a lot easier…
is proofreading markup something normally availabe in word? you could always just email your markup to alex, I’m pretty sure his autarch email address is floating around here somewhere.
Dunno, actually. There are some software packages for it, and it can actually be mimicked in Acrobat, but I’ve mostly used it on hardcopy. The other problem is that the person receiving the markup needs to understand it (though a lot of it is pretty straightforward). I already have Alex’s email, so I’ll ping him about it when this is done. Using it right in the .pdf files is probably the easiest option, and I’ve been meaning to pick up a tablet with a stylus anyway…
The way you are providing these notes is perfect, actually. I don’t necessarily always agree with every edit a third-party editor makes. What I do is go through them line by line and if I agree I forward them on to the PDF layout team, and then make the change in my own Word document. Putting them directly into word or PDF would compromise the process.
Yeah, I’m well aware you’re going to reject some of the edits. I’m trying to be fairly light, as I’ve noticed you appear to have a particular style you’re trying to adhere to. If there’s a guide to that anywhere, I’d love to see it. If not, I’ll just keep trying to suss it out from your documents.
Actually, come to think of it, doing it on the .pdf might fit rather well with your process, Alex; you could just delete any markup you disagree with. Can you and your layout person read proofreader’s marks?