This is fairly minor but in the example on page 12 for character creation, it states that they reduce the charisma to 13 to increase Strength and Constitution but the final scores show a charisma of 18.
Another minor one. The header at the top left has Heroic Fantasy Handbook.
The spell tables for blessed undertaker, cultist, deep one hybrid, gecko man spirit talker, lizard man priestess and nocromancer show the Italics tags ( [.i] [./i] on several of the spells.
Page 141 has Mog Customer class.
Page 143 terran valuse has <<H4>> tag next to the title of the table.
page 53 under nephil " with greyish skin and oily hair, usually black gut sometimes read" instead of red
page 113 spells - ghost walk, dragon's breath and mage fingers are missing spell level.
THANK YOU! Great catches.
Here's what I've found so far - one line per entry, with elaboration available if requested.
Undocumented Races for Deep One, Dragon Incarnate, Lizard Men & Nephil
Blessed Undertaker needs 1200xp for level 2, should be 1250, like Thief is! p.22
Shield of Mawat should be on level 1 Blessed Undertaker spell list p.23
Detect Undead available at level 9, should be level 7 p.23
Slayer of the Dead template specifies two class proficiencies, must specify one general proficiency p.23
Bugman Dredger saves as Thief, so should have +2 HP per level after nine p.26
Bugman Praetor saves as Fighter, so should have +2 HP per level after nine p.28
Bugman Praetor Fighter save progression improves every level? p.29
Assassin Bug template specifies two class proficiencies, must specify one general proficiency p.30
Call Leviathan, Summon Deep Ones & Summon Shoggoth should be on Cultist spell list p.31
Cultist shouldn't have access to Necromancy at level 11 because of turning trade-off p.33
Dragon Incarnate's Magical research should be deferred 3 levels, like their spellcasting is p.37
Dragon Chieftain template specifies no general proficiencies, must specify one p.37
Dragon Chieftain template specifies Mystic Aura which is not a general nor class proficiency p.37
They rely on They may also two starts to sentence about thief powers p.39
Geckoman Stalker saves as Thief, so should have +2 HP per level after nine p.41
Lizardman Hunter save table title is Lizardman Stalker p.44
Lizardman Priestess Attacks & Saving Throws table has level range is every column p.45
Lizardman Priestess pyramid text refers to Spirit-Talker p.46
Cobra Warrior template specifies Combat Reflexes, but already has it from Totem p.48
Lizardman Witch Doctor gets contact dark powers at level 9, should be level 7 p.49
Lizardman Witch Doctor gets create necromantic servants at level 11, should be level 9 p.49
Necromancer needs 1200xp for level 2, should be 1250, like Thief is! p.52
Necromancer necropolis text lacks noun to a priestess' (cloister?) p.52
Necromancer gets create necromantic servants at level 11, should be level 9 p.52
Corpse Thief template specifies two class proficiencies, must specify one general proficiency p.53
Outsider template specifies two class proficiencies, must specify one general proficiency p.56
Terran Starman saves as Thief, so should have +2 HP per level after nine p.58
Bugman Antennae for Potions states taste as the detection method p.139
Instinctive Dodging description refers to unarmed AC, should be unarmored AC p.140
Instinctive Dodging should cost 2 powers p.140
Geckoman Thief stacking is cut & paste from an arcane race p.141
Mog Hit Dice text has cut & paste from the Fighting text p.141
Mog 1,2,3,4 Bone-Breaking Strength Improvement lacks powers cost p.142
Mog 3 has extra Bone-Breaking Strength entry with racial xp calculations p.142
Mog 4 has xp calculations at headers & at Bone-Breaking Strength p.142
Mog 4 Bone-Breaking Strength Improvement is 1d8-1 should be 1d10-1 p.142
Terran 4 Advanced Equipment only costs 4 custom powers, not 5 like Terran 2 & 3 p.143
Classes building the Castle stronghold need to specify a level 5 morale power - only Dragon Incarnate does
I checked the first five custom classes and they all have the wrong number of class proficiencies listed for their maximum levels.
I can't check too much more on the Custom Build classes and their xp totals without the build-point formulas published like in the Heroic Fantasy book.
Undocumented Races for Deep One, Dragon Incarnate, Lizard Men & Nephil - INTENTIONAL
Blessed Undertaker needs 1200xp for level 2, should be 1250, like Thief is! p.22 - FIXED
Shield of Mawat should be on level 1 Blessed Undertaker spell list p.23 - FIXED
Detect Undead available at level 9, should be level 7 p.23 - FIXED
Slayer of the Dead template specifies two class proficiencies, must specify one general proficiency p.23 - FIXED
Bugman Dredger saves as Thief, so should have +2 HP per level after nine p.26 - FIXED
Bugman Praetor saves as Fighter, so should have +2 HP per level after nine p.28- FIXED
Bugman Praetor Fighter save progression improves every level? p.29 - NO, SHOULD BE AS FIGHTER. FIXED
Assassin Bug template specifies two class proficiencies, must specify one general proficiency p.30 - FIXED
Call Leviathan, Summon Deep Ones & Summon Shoggoth should be on Cultist spell list p.31 - FIXED
Cultist shouldn't have access to Necromancy at level 11 because of turning trade-off p.33 - INTENTIONAL
Dragon Incarnate's Magical research should be deferred 3 levels, like their spellcasting is p.37 - FIXED
Dragon Chieftain template specifies no general proficiencies, must specify one p.37 - FIXED
Dragon Chieftain template specifies Mystic Aura which is not a general nor class proficiency p.37 - FIXED
They rely on They may also two starts to sentence about thief powers p.39 - FIXED
Geckoman Stalker saves as Thief, so should have +2 HP per level after nine p.41 - FIXED
Lizardman Hunter save table title is Lizardman Stalker p.44 - FIXED
Lizardman Priestess Attacks & Saving Throws table has level range is every column p.45 - OOPS! FIXED
Lizardman Priestess pyramid text refers to Spirit-Talker p.46 - FIXED
Cobra Warrior template specifies Combat Reflexes, but already has it from Totem p.48 - FIXED
Lizardman Witch Doctor gets contact dark powers at level 9, should be level 7 p.49 - FIXED
Lizardman Witch Doctor gets create necromantic servants at level 11, should be level 9 p.49 - GREAT CATCH, FIXED
Necromancer needs 1200xp for level 2, should be 1250, like Thief is! p.52 - FIXED
Necromancer necropolis text lacks noun to a priestess' (cloister?) p.52 - YES, CLOISTER. FIXED
Necromancer gets create necromantic servants at level 11, should be level 9 p.52 - GREAT CATCH, FIXED
Corpse Thief template specifies two class proficiencies, must specify one general proficiency p.53 - FIXED
Outsider template specifies two class proficiencies, must specify one general proficiency p.56 - FIXED
Terran Starman saves as Thief, so should have +2 HP per level after nine p.58 - FIXED; COSMONAUT HAD SAME ISSUE, ALSO FIXED
Bugman Antennae for Potions states taste as the detection method p.139 - INTENTIONAL, "Antennae" is just us beign cute
Instinctive Dodging description refers to unarmed AC, should be unarmored AC p.140 - FIXED
Instinctive Dodging should cost 2 powers p.140 - FIXED; JUMPING COST SHOUDL BE REDUCED TO 4
Geckoman Thief stacking is cut & paste from an arcane race p.141 - FIXED; MAX VALUE IS 4 FROM STACKING
Mog Hit Dice text has cut & paste from the Fighting text p.141 - FIXED
Mog 1,2,3,4 Bone-Breaking Strength Improvement lacks powers cost p.142 - IT'S ONE POWER WHEN NOT OTHERWISE NOTED
Mog 3 has extra Bone-Breaking Strength entry with racial xp calculations p.142 - FIXED
Mog 4 has xp calculations at headers & at Bone-Breaking Strength p.142 - FIXED
Mog 4 Bone-Breaking Strength Improvement is 1d8-1 should be 1d10-1 p.142 - NO, ITS SUPPSED TO BE 1D8-1; IF YOU LOOK AT COST, +500 XP JUST COVERS COST OF FIGHTER ADVANCEMENT
Terran 4 Advanced Equipment only costs 4 custom powers, not 5 like Terran 2 & 3 p.143 - FIXED
Classes building the Castle stronghold need to specify a level 5 morale power - only Dragon Incarnate does - I WILL INVESTIGATE
I checked the first five custom classes and they all have the wrong number of class proficiencies listed for their maximum levels. - I WILL INVESTIGATE
Page 18, column 1, second paragraph, last sentence should be least not lease describing fighting to the death.
Page 18, column 2, paragraph 2, sentence 2, "...death does take it place,..." remove it
Argh, Paul, too late! I'll have to make note of that for future editions.