I figured I'd wait until somebody else made a post about guns of war, but nobody made one so I'm posting now! I also wasn't entirely sure where to post this, so I went with D@W since this was a stretch goal of that project. This is a mix of comments/questions/speculations and a few potential typos if I see any (I thought I did but now I can't seem to find them on the most recent pass of the document).
-Muskets: they don't appear to offer any advantage over an arquebus. As far as I can tell they do the same damage, have the same range, same rate of failure, and they cost/weigh more.
-Rate of Failure: is this a d% that has to be rolled with each attack? or is it meant to be only rolled on a 1? This seems like an annoying extra level of fiddlyness. I would personally consider instead apply the failure rate to the bottom 1-X of a d20, although that does prevent the failure chance from negatively affecting what would have been a hit.
-If the whole point of guns is that they're easier to use, why do only already skilled combatents get to use the best kinds? Maybe I just secretly wanted mages with muskets too badly. I guess in the long run they're only losing a scant few improvements to their attack throw over a normal man, and by then they'd be casting more spells anyway, just my thoughts.
-What do we imagine the typical dungeon configuration is going to be like now, assuming people bother with guns at all in the dungeon? Will everyone have pistols ready in the front, arquebuses/muskets in the back, shoot once and then drop/stow and draw swords/spears? Will some people stay exclusively melee? Will a dedicated ranged character still bother with guns or will they stick to bows?
-Maybe this is a little too World of Warcraft, but I'm surprised there's no consideration for ogres or possibly giants using cannons, either as personal arms or having them strapped to their backs. You can't tell me the idea of a giant/troll/ogre with a cannon strapped to his back, being climbed over by his kobold/goblin crew, doesn't excite you?
-How would you go about wanting to have traditional levels of availability, but with dwarves being better than most at gunpowder. This is in contrast to them being the exclusive purveyors of gunpowder weapons. Or is that probably a bit too much work over just using the dwarven gunpowder rules as is?
-it seems like for personal firearms the gist is that Early-> Matchlock only, Middle->Matchlock for troops, Wheellock for rich adventurers, Late->Flintlock for everyone? I kind of like the idea of the cost of a gun being a progression factor where adventurers get to experience being able to afford increasingly superior weaponry. Would it break assumption too much to set a game in the middle era with Flintlocks being available at a price even higher than wheellock?