I’d like to come up with a generalized set of rules so that as a GM I can have a rough idea of how many paladins are in my country. Obviously, there’s a lot to think about here.
Known fact #1:
- From the core rulebook that the breakdown of classes is roughly 4:2:2:1
Known Fact #2:
2. Core rulebook also provides how many classed characters exist in any given urban settlement. In a small village, there’ll be 27 classed characters out of a population of ~87. That’s 31%, right? A city, meanwhile has 900 classed characters out of a population of 3750~. That’s actually only 24% oddly enough, but we’ll get back to that later.
Known Fact #3:
3. Core rulebook also provides how frequent classed characters are, and what proportion of a realm’s population lives both in that settlement and in the “urban” population in general. We can see that “Urban population” is consistently just 10% of the whole. We can also see that the largest settlement is just 1/5th the urban population.
Thus, by reversing these charts, we can say that the largest settlement holds 2% of the realm’s population.
ANALYSIS: Let’s go back to those numbers- 31% seems ridiculously high, right? It’s important to remember though that population is measured in families. If a family is ~5 people, then that gives us a little over 6% of the population as classed, which is consistent with Alex’s 1:20 numbers. It’s not unimaginable that a lot of the low-level characters would hang out on the fringes; they’re not powerful enough to win great glory, but their enhanced skills and fighting ability might help them protect their families. These are all our grizzled woodcutters.
Likewise, that’s 18750 people in the average city, with 900 heroes, so .048; just shy of the 5%. This is an important number, since it means that the proportion of heroes/nonheroes in the city is roughly the same as outside of it, so you can just multiply the numbers on the urban tables by 50 to get realmwide tables. Huh. This’ll be a lot easier than I thought.
So, since the base ratio is 4:2:2:1, we can describe each class as occupying so many 9ths of the class-based population, and so many 180ths of the total population. (Or so many 36ths of the population-in-families.) Thus, every 36 families will yield one mage, two clerics, two thieves, and four fighters.
Sidebar: Alex suggested here(http://autarch.co/forums/ask-autarchs/recruitment-pc-classes) that we could model conscripting wizards by assuming 10% of the populace was intelligent enough to go to wizard school, along with a 60% dropout rate at hogwarts, for a total of 4% of the population being capable of wizarding. Since the 1/180 model presents “naturally occurring” (IE: Someone else taught them) mages as appearing at a rate of %.55 of the population, this means that roughly 6/7 people with magical potential never receive any training and presumably just lead lives as bakers and engineers to whom very odd things happen sometimes. This doesn’t really relate to our goal; mostly I just wanted you to know that even in a world of magic and whimsy most people’s special skills go undiscovered. Feel sad now.
So now that we have 4/36, 2/36, and 1/36 as the foundation, we should tackle class bloat, since, after all, there are far more than four classes. Let’s assume that when we say there are four “Fighters” per 36 families, we actually mean four people with fighter-like aptitudes. This then mandates the division of all classes into four aptitudes- martial, agile, magical, and divine, and then based on your own realm’s demographics, you can decide what proportion of a realm’s martial characters are barbarians vs fighters vs explorers.
I think the easiest and most sensible way to divide them is based on primary stat, since even though a bard lives a relatively similar life to a Fighter (and has a castle-building endgame rather than a hideout-building endgame) his core skillset of acrobatics and charisma means he’ll come from the same pool of potential recruits as the thief. There are going to be a lot of judgement calls here, so feel free to adjust them for your own campaigns. Still, if anyone’s like me and is interested, here’s a rough list of each division:
Martial Classes:
Thrassian Gladiator
Agile Classes:
Divine Classes:
Arcane Classes:
Gnome Trickster
Now you just have to figure out what fraction of each aptitude should be each class, then multiply it by 1/36, and then multiply that number by your realm’s population in families, and you’ll know how many Paladins are in the kingdom!
Tomorrow I’ll see if I can hash out numbers for demihumans, since it’s been pointed out they don’t militarize or adventure at the same rate. I’ve included them in my aptitude divisions though, just on the assumption that a sufficiently large human city should always have at least a handful of dwarven berserkers hanging around in taverns.