I really like how this book is turning out!
Here are some things I noticed while looking at it (hoping this kind of feedback is useful?)
Chapter 2,
New Character Classes
“The new classes in this book include the berserker, beastmaster,”
should be “beastmaster, berserker”
Not a typo, but something I find strange:
warmistress has armor training among their class proficiencies, but “never wear armor heavier than leather” and have “graceful fighting” style, which doesn’t work with heavier armor I think?
Is there a limit to how much “provoke the passions” can be used, other than the Judge changing saving throw modifiers?
Proficiencies, Combat trickery:
“In addition, anytime the character lands a critical hit (see p. XX), he may apply his special maneuver as an effect in addition to the outcome he rolled if desired”
So on a critical hit, the character gets: Double damage + rolled effect + effect from Combat trickery? Can this not create some confusing effects? Is it a separate save, or part of the “save vs critical effect” How does it work with the critical “Shields May Be Splintered” reaction?
Proficiencies, Combat trickery:
There are some new special maneuvers in this book. Should Combat trickery be possible for them too? Combat trickery (clamber), Combat trickery (sweeping attack)?
Chapter 4, Critical hits:
Brawling: “For instance, an attacker with a nonmagical sword who rolls a Damage Shield result against a target with a magical shield could substitute a Brawling result instead”.
Shields May Be Splintered: “If the target of a critical effect is equipped with a shield, he may choose to substitute a Damage Shield result”
This makes the first example pointless. Since the target can always chose Damage Shield, the attacker has no meaningful choice. In practice, characters with magic shields are immune to critical effects from creatures with nonmagical weapons or less than 5 HD.
Sweeping attack
I think creatures with attack range more than 5’ should make targets go prone rather than withdrawing. I can’t think of a clean way to write this though
Sweeping attack
“(e.g. his attack routine plus his level in cleaves)”
only fighter progression have “level in cleaves”. Better text would be “number of cleave attacks
per round”?
Chapter 5, Heroic magic
Ceremonial magic, performing ceremonies.
The text says “The base target value for a ceremony throw is 10+, decreased by 1 point per caster level after 1st. The target value of the ceremony throw is increased by 2 points per level of the ceremony.”
This does not match the table, where the target value is increased by 2 per ceremony level after 1st level.
Mathematically, it looks like the target values is 10+ -(caster level -1) + 2*(spell level -1). This simplifies to 9 + ceremony level*2 - caster level.
Delay Death
“A critically wounded character normally will normally die unless”
Delete one “normally”. I also don’t see the scenario in which this spell is useful. At 5th level, a cure critical wounds is quite likely to heal to 1 hp.
Drain Life II and III should have some more interesting name than II and III
“By means of this spell, the caster can mesmerizes a”
Either “can mesmerize” or “caster mesmerizes” I think.
Illusory Interior
“Ab illusory interior lasts until”
Ab → An
Inflict Lycanthropy
“Duration: 1 turn per level”
Text says it’s permanent
Ring of Fire
“within 5’ of the outer edge of the ring of fire”
I’m confused if this spell damages creatures inside the ring or not. If a creature is right inside the edge, it’s still within 5’ of the outer edge, is it not? But then why does it say “outer” edge.
How does the ring interact with solid walls etc? Can it be created if there is not enough room for a the full ring, like a 20’ ring in a 10’ wide corridor?
Strengthen the Unliving
“Eldritch 3”
Missing designation (Black).
Chapter 8
I love the details we get to see in this chapter.
Enchantment spells:
“Effect: Target forgets one minute before and one turn after spell for duration”
is missing it’s cost (of 40?)
“If a frightened creature cannot flee, its cower in terror”
should be “it cowers”
"If the animal has "
should be “the creature”