Many of you have requested rules for slaves. Here you go.
Slavery was an all too common feature in ancient societies. Slaves might be indentured debtors, convicted criminals, or prisoners of war. The abundant supply of slave labor was a major component to most ancient economies, and the mass enslavement of defeated peoples was justified as more merciful than the alternative of slaughtering them. Should the Judge wish to incorporate slavery into his campaign, the following rules will apply.
Types of Slaves
Slaves can be divided into 5 types: Slave laborers, slave soldiers, household slaves, pleasure slaves, and professional slaves.
Slave laborers do manual work, usually of the most unpleasant sort, such as farming on plantations, mining ore, or building pyramids. Slave laborers can be bought in markets at a cost of 40gp each. Slave laborers are generally able-bodied males captured in war or slaving expeditions. Individually, slave laborers can be used for any labor-related tasks. They cost 2gp each per month and have morale scores of -4. When used on a domain, treat every 5 slave laborers as equivalent to one peasant family for all purposes. If a domain’s population consists of 25% or more slave laborers, its domain morale is decreased by 1. If a domain’s population consists of 50% or more slave laborers, its domain morale is decreased by 2. If the domain is 100% slave labor, domain morale is decreased by 4. Historical examples include the helots of Sparta and the plantation slaves of Rome.
Slave soldiers are usually either born into slavery or enslaved in early childhood so they can be indoctrinated with loyalty to their ruler or owner. Historical examples include the Persian ghulam, Egyptian mamelukes, and Turkish janissaries. In realms where they exist (Judge’s discretion), slave soldiers can be bought in markets at a variable cost depending on their race, training and equipment:
Gp Wage per Month
Slave Troop Type Man Dwarf Elf Goblin Orc
Militia (spear) 40 - - - -
Light Infantry (spear, short sword, shield, leather armor) 185 - 315 100 150
Slinger (sling, short sword, shield, leather armor) 175 - - 90 -
Heavy Infantry (spear, sword, shield, banded plate armor) 415 675 815 - 250
Crossbowman (arbalest, short sword, chainmail) 450 825 - - 350
Bowman (short bow, short sword, leather armor) 475 - 1,000 175 300
Longbowman (long bow, sword, chainmail) 1,000 - 2,000 - -
Light Cavalry (lance, sword, shield, leather armor, light warhorse) 1,650 - 2,150 - -
Mounted Crossbowman (crossbow, short sword, chainmail, mule) - 1,575 - - -
Horse Archers (composite bow, scimitar, leather armor, light warhorse) 1,700 - 3,200 - -
Medium Cavalry (lance, sword, shield, lamellar, medium warhorse) 1,800 - - - -
Heavy Cavalry (lance, sword, shield, plate armor, chain barded medium warhorse) 2,500 - - - -
Cataphract Cavalry (composite bow, sword, shield, plate, chain barded medium warhorse) 3,000
Wolf Riders (spear, short sword, shield, leather armor, dire wolf) - - - 915 -
Slave soldiers enslaved as children have the same morale scores as normal mercenaries of their type. Slave soldiers enslaved as adults have morale scores of -4 (and are a very bad idea). All slave soldiers cost 3gp per month in upkeep. Supplemental pay, better food, access to women, and so on can increase morale.
Household slaves perform domestic chores such as cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc. Household slaves tend to live and work for their owners for long periods of time, and can be fairly loyal if treated well. Historical examples include Greek and Roman household slaves. Household slaves can be bought in markets at a cost of 100gp each, and cost 3gp per month in upkeep.
Pleasure slaves are young and attractive slaves specially trained in the arts of seduction, performance, and pleasure. Historical examples include the Greek hetaera (courtesan) and Ottoman odalisque (harem slaves). Pleasure slaves usually have 1 or more ranks in Seduction, Performance (dance), or Labor (massage). Pleasure slaves can be bought in markets at a cost of 100gp to 1,000gp, depending on age, beauty, and level of training. Truly exceptional pleasure slaves can command virtually unlimited prices. All pleasure slaves cost 12gp per month in upkeep.
Professional slaves are trained experts such as scribes, tutors, or accountants. In general, the cost of a professional slave is equal to 33 times a free professional’s wages per month, less 36gp. For example, a master blacksmith earns 40gp per month. Purchasing a master blacksmith slave would cost 1,284gp. All professional slaves cost 3gp per month in upkeep.
Household slaves, pleasure slaves, and professional slaves all have base morale scores of -2. Better working conditions, kind treatment, gifts, or extended liberties can increase morale (Judge’s discretion).