Stainless, the re-print fixes all of the typos and errata that I was aware of at press-time. That doesn’t mean its 100% flawless but certainly its 98%.
The quickest way to verify whether you are looking at the 1st printing or the 2nd printing is by looking at the Assassin class. If Assassins are allowed to use shields, then you are looking at a 2nd printing.
Thanks for your prompt reply. I suspect the ACK restock at Leisure Games will be the second printing, but I’ll now take that up with them for confirmation.
I purchased the .pdf from Game Salute back in August to see if I would like the system, after reading the Chronicles of the Grim Fist. You should put a link to that on your front page, as its awesomeness is what convinced me to try it out. Anyways, I forgot about it until recently because life got in the way. Now that I have free-time, I looked it all over again and decided to purchase the hardcover, so I went to Game Salute and used the $10 off. Long story short, I didn’t notice until after paying that it says “(Preorder)” at the end of the item that I purchased. Is this part of the reprinting you’re discussing or is this another reprinting that is yet to come that I will be waiting for?
As already said before, i ordered another harcover copy. still waiting for the dead-tree version, but received my pdf link today. the pdf is version 1 343… i hope they do not send me a 1st printing harcover…
I wouldn’t worry about it. I bought mine from Game Salute in December; it was marked as preorder, but it arrived in a reasonable length of time and I got the second printing.
As a note of warning, I’ve bought and downloaded two new copies of the Core pdf in the last week (for players in my club), one from Game Salute and one from DTRPG. The one from Game Salute was still out of date, but the one from DTRPG was current.
An easy way to tell whether your copy is current is to check the table with hired mercenaries, and see if the last row of the table includes beastriders for both goblins and orcs. That’s one of the most recent corrections.
If I’ve bought the PDF and hardcover (from GameSalute), can I download the updated PDF somewhere, and how does that work with the limited number of PDF downloads I got from GameSalute?