ACKS Bloggers...UNITE

This is a great idea. I don’t post as often as I intend to but if you want to add me I will be adding everyone in this thread to my blogroll.

I mostly just do fly-bys of the forum and lurk, but my blog is currently focused on my heavily house-ruled ACKS campaign.

EDIT: to link to directly all my posts about ACKS

I’ve recently started playing ACKS and plan to start blogging about it a fair bit more!

There is some amazing material for ACKS being created on these blogs. Just a few clicks in and I’m seeing things like “Warpforged”, “Varger” and an ACKA Al Quadim campaign - awesome!

I think that is the third or fourth ACKS Al-Quadim campaign I’ve heard of (including my own). Is there something about ACKS that resonates with Al-Q? Maybe our art style?

I’ve been slowly adding some stuff to this.

I’ve been adding stuff here as of like an hour ago. This thread rules!!

I’ve added all of the above to my blog, Thanks!

this randomly showed up again, but I started a blog to record me trying to build a setting:

I figured that, as long as we're trading resources and inspirational materials, there's no reason not to have this thread in this forum. Also, Goblin Punch is updating semi-regularly again!


I figured that, as long as we're trading resources and inspirational materials, there's no reason not to have this thread in this forum. Also, Goblin Punch is updating semi-regularly again!

[/quote] As is Against The Wicked City, one of my favorites.

I have two ACKS classes posted on my blog, The Invulnerablog, and several more ACKS-related posts queued up.

The Tempest Oracles on the Invulnerablog are pretty neat. I like how you worked blindness into it as both a strength and weakness.


The Tempest Oracles on the Invulnerablog are pretty neat. I like how you worked blindness into it as both a strength and weakness.


Wow, thanks! Converting an existing character definitely makes you think about how to capture the feel of the character, while taking advantage of your new system's strengths. And creating classes is a lot of fun, once you get the hang of it.

Just posted a full adventure today, though I haven't gotten a chance to test it in ACKS:

Late to the party, but I'm actively updating my blog; weekly play-sessions, and the occasional story-linked post: