Any Al Qadim fans around here? I am itching to do an ACKS hack for playing in Al Qadim, and would be interested in having in having some folks to bounce ideas off of. Once I get started there might be a thread in the House Rules forum for it.
You can also find me on Google+. My real name is Brock Cusick, and I mention ACKS in my profile so you know it’s the right one.
Right now my thoughts for an ACKS Hack of Al Qadim would seem to require the following-
- Make classes to replace the various Kits in the original rules. (The Sha’ir is going to be tricky)
- Rearrange (or re-describe) the spell list in ACKS around the provinces of Wind, Sea, Flame and Sand. Some new spells might be required.
- Create appropriate rules for Fate and Alignment (Al Bahdia, Al Hadar).
- Create some guidelines for making adventures and domains in an Arabian Nights-type setting. Much of it should be similar what’s already in ACKS but with different names (“Sheikhs”, “Viziers” and “Potentates”). Obviously the adventures part would need some notes like “Not all Goblins and Ogres are bad guys; some are peaceful co-religionists” etc.
Anyway, that’s what I’m thinking right now. Respond here, or PM, or reach out on Google+ if you want to be involved. I’ll probably create a Google+ Circle for it and post rules for discussion as I write them.