So does anyone have any tools for worldbuilding and running and managing domains?
I have a thing that I slowly add new stuff to that has a tiny bit of worldbuilding to it.
It’s mostly random encounters, treasure, and dungeons, but it can also generate demand modifiers and D@W Battles stats for custom units.
There’s a few spreadsheets for demand modifiers that do a better job hanging around here, if you do a search. In general, if you do a search for the specific worldbuilding mechanic you want to find (demand modifiers, or population and size and the like), someone probably has a spreadsheet for it posted on the forums.
That’s been my experience, anyway.
I have a repo of scripts at . Python 2.7, known to work on linuxen, would probably work on Windows with very minor tweaking (path separators are the only thing I think would break off the top of my head). Maybe OS-compatibility will be my project for tonight.
(Also damn, I need to roll a distribution archive for Susan. Dropped the ball on that :\ )
I’ve been looking at writing a not-quite-VTT-esque server for adjudicating Domains at War battles without having to manually do table lookups (and so we could have a DaW:B AI programming competition :P). Currently in the design phase.
I’ve been looking at writing a not-quite-VTT-esque server for adjudicating Domains at War battles without having to manually do table lookups (and so we could have a DaW:B AI programming competition :P). Currently in the design phase.
Design phase is a step ahead of where I’m at on that project!
Though the one I’m actually thinking about is the Campaigns battle system. I was thinking it would be neat if I had a tab where you could enter the stats of the two armies, and it spits out who won the battle. An auto-resolution method like that seems like it would fit Campaigns nicely, and cut down on the ‘ok, now roll me 50d20’ aspect of it.
I’m not much of a programmer, however I’m currently working on a fairly comprehensive Excel sheet for dungeon stocking. It’s something I want to be useable on the fly at the table. I’m doing it in my spare time (HA,HA,HA! What’s that?), but I should have a fairly functional first pass in a week or two (to be clear, it’s useable now, it just doesn’t do everything I want for a first pass). I’ll see if I can get it posted once I do. Most of what I’ve done with random encounters is perfectly applicable to hex generation, so I intend to tackle that next.
I’ve put together a few applications in Python that can be run from the (great!) IOS app, Editorial. You can find the scripts here:
Included is NPC generation, Dungeon Generation and a monster stat-block printer.
I use this to manage domains, its a popurri of several spreadsheets that i found on the web (sorry for forgeting where i get them)
It calculates pop, income, biggest city, character per level, etc. for unmanaged domains, it also have a part to calculate thing for players and non players important domains, and to calculate trade values.