From the Seven Radiant Scrolls:
“O mighty victorious one, Power of Powers,
who sits strong in
your throne against the dark ones,
whose risings in the heavens are mighty,
whose strength is widespread in the sea of serenity,
make your people glorious by
virtue of your word, which is truth.”
— Epiphany 4:6
Ba Esevan Aunsarës Suretunumi
“Ulan andrasan vic, Tel sega Telani,
Türan uzan ess retune ni
Turlan iusretunosë ob mir obolö
Uzan allinumi ni arosumi ess ulani,
Uzan türë ess epont ammas aurë,
Turlan usim nor erinan dy
Turlan sarë epinomum, ess valo.”
— Isür 4:6
Custom Words Created:
Radiant aunsarë — compound of “aun” (bright) and “sarë” (blessed) yields “aunsarë” (blessed-bright).
Scroll suretun — compound of “sur” (lore) and “retun” (root of “retunnir” “to keep”).
Victorious andrasan — adjectival variant form of “andras” (victory) yields “andrasan” (“of victory”)
Chair usretunos — compound of “retun” (genitive of “retunir,” “to hold”) and “os” (place) yields “retunos” (holding-place); from this compound a further compound can be created of “retunos” (holding-place) and “us” (man) to yield “usretunos” (holding-place of a man, a seat or chair); over time this may wear down to “usretnos” or a similar form that is more easily pronounced. Coincidentally, “holding-place of a man” could also possibly refer to a prison . . .
Throne iusretunos — “usretunos” (chair) with the “i-” emphasis added.
Glorious erinan — adjectival variant form of “erin” (glory) yields “erinan” (“of glory”).
Word epinom — same as “epinom” (name).
Epiphany isür — “sür” (enlightenment) with the “i-” emphasis to indicate the Book of Epiphany.
Line by Line Translation:
Ba Esev Aunsarës Suretunumi
Literal “From Seven Radiant Scrolls”
Ba — From, makes Suretunumi ablative
Esevan — Seven, genitive as measurement
Aunsarës — Custom word Radiant, adjective so no declension, pluralized to match Suretunumi
Suretunumi — Custom word Scroll, ablative since modified by Ba, plural
“Ulan andrasan vic, Tel sega Telani,
Literal “Mighty victorious one, Power of Powers”
Ulan — Mighty, adjective so no declension
Andrasan — Custom variant of “andras” (victory) makes “victorious,” adjective so no declension
Vic — One, vocative
Tel — Power, vocative (I considered expressing “Power of Powers” as a kenning, but “Teltel” sounds dumb)
Sega — Of, makes Telani genitive
Telani — Power, genitive since modified by Sega, plural
Türan uzan ess retune ni
Literal “The strong who is held in”
Türan — Strong, nominative
Uzan — Who, modified to ablative by Ni
Ess — Is, present tense of to be
Retune — Held, past tense to hold
Ni — In, modifies Uz to ablative
This sentence reads okay in English, but I’m pretty sure there’s something weird going on here with a tense shift in “O mighty victorious one, . . . who sits strong in your throne” and it’s throwing me off
Turlan iusretunosë ob mir obolö
Literal “Your throne towards [the] dark horde”
Turlan — You, genitive for possession; I considered moving this up to the previous line to even out line lengths, but then it breaks the initial rhyme scheme and it sounds strange to split up “your throne”
Iusretunosë — Custom word for throne, dative since modified by Ob
Ob — Towards (e.g. facing, against), modifies iusretunosum to dative
Mir — Dark, adjective so no declension
Obolö — Horde, plural accusative
Uzan allinumi ni arosumi ess ulani,
Literal “Whose goings in [the] heavens are mighty”
Uzan — whose (possessive who)
Allinumi — Goings, to go as transformative gerund, modified to ablative by Ni, plural
Ni — In, modifies Allini to ablative (“goings” is the modified noun, even though it is a gerund; I assume I can treat it as a standard noun)
Arosumi — Heavens, “God-place” from the Lord’s Prayer, plural
Ess — Is/are (no difference since no plural verb tenses), present of to be
Ulani — Mighty, adjective so no declension, plural
Uzan türë ess epont ammas aurë,
Literal “Whose strength is across [the] sea of serenity”
Uzan — Whose (possessive who)
Türë — Strength, dative because of Epont
Ess — Is, present of to be
Epont — Across, modifies Türë to dative (hopefully “across” can be “spread across” and isn’t exclusively “on the other side of,” but since “on the far side of” was a different option this seems reasonable)
Ammas aurë — Sea of serenity, as listed
Turlan usim nor erinan dy
Literal “Your people make glorious by”
Turlan — Your, possessive genitive of you
Usim — People, modified to ablative by Dy (I assume this is a distinct word that is affected by declension as a noun, and is not just the plural of men though that is clearly the root)
Nor — Make, present tense of to make; “to make” has two forms listed, with derivatives “Making-man” and “Craftsman,” so it has been assumed that the latter form is narrower in the sense of crafts, and thus the former is used here
Erinan — Custom word for glorious, adjective so no declension
Dy — By, modifies Usi to ablative
Turlan sarë epinomum, ess valo.”
Literal “Your blessed word, being truth.”
Turlan — Your, possessive genitive of you
Sarë — Blessed, adjective so no declension
Epinomum — Custom word for “word,” ablative since means of making glorious
Ess — Is, present of to be
Valo — Truth, accusative
— Isür 4:6
Literal “Epiphany 4:6”
Isür — Custom word Epiphany
4:6 — Fro:Zig if you really prefer, but it was numeric in the original
Thanks! This was a lot of fun puzzling through! I'm pretty sure I have the final version throughout, but please let me know if there are inconsistencies in the translation beteen different sections.