I spend a good deal of time commuting and do a lot of reading while I train into the city from the house. The Autarch website doesn’t seem to want to load for me when using either my iPad or iPhone. It keeps telling me the server cannot be found.
Keep us posted on this. It doesn't sound like anything but an isolated incident, but you really never know anymore. If our DNS is wonky or any of a number of other things, it's definitely worth paying attention.
Sorry to hear about your troubles, and I hope it clears up.
I cleared my cookies and history. It still doesn’t work on either. Very odd. I’m currently on my MacBook and it works just fine, as it does at home where I use a PC desktop. It’s only my iPad and iPhone - and I’m on the same wifi here at my job and at home where the other equipment works. I’m using the latest iphone and ipad update - maybe it’s the most recent update? I dunno. It’s only been the past 3 or 4 weeks that I’ve had this problem.
It’s not life or death but I’d love to be able to access the forums on my train ride into the city.