I ahve too many ideas running around my mind. Of course, I am still sticking to ACKS: Dark Project. But Would teh following work well with ACKS?
I have a rough setting idea in mind - a wet, tropical sword and sorcery setting with a strong focus on reptiles (dinosaurs, lizardmen, yuan-ti), insects, cthulhu-type “Outer Gods”, city-states, a lot of abberations and less “typical” D&D-fantasy tropes (no Elves and Dwarves - just Men, Lizard-Men, Deep Ones and their kin and Serpent-Men-Blooded Men). Maybe some technology. Maybe aliens and high technology.
Dinosaurs and their kin (as well as insects) replace mammals (except for humans, that is) both as wild beasts and domesticated enemies. Dinosaur Riders! Triceratops egg omletes! Random encounter with a T-Rex!
Maybe even Men came millennia ago in a colony starship, crashed and lost most of their technology and forced into medieval barbarity by the crash-landing.
Think Carcosa but with more orthodox magic (and D&D-type magic items), a bit more hope, a bit less weirdness, somewhat less randomness - and more urban (city-states rather than villages) and technologically advanced.