Fighter - Fighting 2, Hit Dice 2
Mage - Arcane 4
Cleric - Fighting 1, Hit Dice 1, Divine 2
Thief - Fighting 1, Thievery 3
Assassin - Fighting 2, Hit Dice 1, Thievery 1
Bard - Fighting 1, Hit Dice 1, Thievery 2
Bladedancer - Fighting 1, Hit Dice 1, Divine 2 (tradeoffs and different choices were made, which is what separates this class from cleric)
Explorer - Fighting 2, Hit Dice 1, Thievery 1
Dwarven Vaultguard - Dwarf 0, Fighting 2, Hit Dice 2
Dwarven Craftpriest - Dwarf 3, Fighting 1, Hit Dice 1, Divine 2
Elven Spellsword - Elf 4, Fighting 2, Hit Dice 1 (note: this class can be built with any combination of Elf + Arcane that adds up to 4. It’s identical regardless of the specific split.)
Elven Nightblade - Elf 2, Fighting 1, Hit Dice 1, Thievery 2 (like spellsword, and for that matter all elf classes, elf value can be any combo of Elf + Arcane)
The PC classes are more complicated and I don’t actually have a list, I’m just looking at them and figuring it out as I go along. So if no one else gets around to it, I’ll post those later.
In general, here are the ways you can use to figure out the points spent; many powers and XP costs can be confusing to reverse-engineer, but some things can only be modified directly by points spent.
1 - Hit Dice.
2 - Attack throw progression.
3 - Arcane spellcasting progression.
4 - Divine spellcasting progression.
5 - Actual thief skills (hide in shadows, backstab, etc).
Any special ability that is not an actual thief skill can come from multiple places, and so figuring them out in reverse can be much more challenging. But those five things are the things that can only come from points (class or race points, but points only nonetheless). The biggest challenge in reverse-engineering complicated classes who have a lot of special abilities is really just figuring out where they came from.