Command Word

Hi everyone.

I'm having trouble with the specifics of the spell Command Word (and another question about Charm). The spell states that:

"When a cleric casts this spell, he may give the target a one word
command, which it obeys to the best of its ability. The single
word must make sense as a single command, such as approach,
drop, fall, flee, halt, surrender, sleep, etc. Although a target could
be instructed to “die,” this will only make the target faint for a
single round."

I note the spell has a duration of 1 round, but what happens if you choose something other than 'die'? For example, if you say sleep, do they fall into a normal sleep for 1 round, or does it maintain a normal sleep until otherwise woken up (injured, slapped, really loud noises, etc.)? If someone is told to 'Surrender' do they only surrender for a single round and then fight in the next round, or do they surrender until it appears that surrender isn't an option?


The second question with regards to Charm, is that it states that the charmed target wouldn't do something that they wouldn't normally do. Does this mean if you manage to cast it in combat it would the target simply change it's attacks to other members as failing to "defend its allies" be something it simply wouldn't do?


Minor quibble with regards to Charm, it mentions that creatures with 7+1HD or more get 1 save every day, 5-6 every week and 4 and lower once a month. What happens if the creature is 7 HD not 7+1?

I note the spell has a duration of 1 round, but what happens if you choose something other than 'die'? For example, if you say sleep, do they fall into a normal sleep for 1 round, or does it maintain a normal sleep until otherwise woken up (injured, slapped, really loud noises, etc.)? If someone is told to 'Surrender' do they only surrender for a single round and then fight in the next round, or do they surrender until it appears that surrender isn't an option?

They surrender for a single round. They might drop their weapons and throw their arms up in the air, for instance. 

The second question with regards to Charm, is that it states that the charmed target wouldn't do something that they wouldn't normally do. Does this mean if you manage to cast it in combat it would the target simply change it's attacks to other members as failing to "defend its allies" be something it simply wouldn't do?

The creature would continue to regard its old friends as allies as well. So it would react like a person does when a new best friend is being attacked by their old friends.

Minor quibble with regards to Charm, it mentions that creatures with 7+1HD or more get 1 save every day, 5-6 every week and 4 and lower once a month. What happens if the creature is 7 HD not 7+1?

I think it should read 7HD +. 


Hey, just realised I hadn't thanked you for clarification ><


Thanks for clarification :D