the dragon disciple is a man who transforms its self in imitation of the dragons, i dictch all spellcasting abilities from D&D 3.5 and try to focus on the physical transformation: mainly claws, scales and breath weapons:
Dragon disciple
Requisites: Str and Con
Hit dice: d6
Fighting 2 (1000)
4 tradeoffs weapons unrestricted to restricted (+600xp)
1 tradeoff armor unrestricted to broad(+150xp)
Hd 1
Thievery 1
(3 custom powers)
Level 1:
2 powers for one level 2 power, one level 4 power and one level 9 power.
2 powers for one level 3 power, one level 5 power and one level 7 power.
1 power for one level 6 power and one level 8 power.
Fangs and claws (2 powers) (1d2-1 claw; 1d4-1 bite)
Scaly hide (1 power) +1AC
Level 2:
Scaly hide improvement (+2AC)
Level 3
Minor dragon breath: as burning hands (once per hour max per day ½ level)
Level 4
Fangs and claws improvement (1d3-1 claw; 1d6-1 bite)
Level 5
Battlefield prowess
Level 6
Fangs and claws improvement (1d3-1 claw; 1d8-1 bite)
Level 7
One at 8 and one at 14
Level 8
One skill at 9 one at 14
One skill at 9 one at 14
Level 9
Two skills at 12
Two skills at 12
Level 12
One at 13 and one at 14
One at 13 and one at 14
One at 13 and one at 14
One at 13 and one at 14
Level 13
Dragon Breath: cone of cold once per day
Fangs and claws improvement (1d4-1 claw; 1d8-1 bite)
x2 Scaly hide improvement (+4AC)
Level 14
Fangs and claws improvement (1d4-1 claw; 1d10-1 bite)
Flight (5 powers)
Scaly hide improvement (+5AC)