So, upwards of two people have expressed interest in playing D@W using some kind of virtual tabletop, which seems like enough people to warrant a thread.
I’ve been finding that roll20 works pretty well for the game itself, but is incredibly tedious to set up.
What kinds of times work for everyone? I suppose we should make a google doc for scheduling or something?
I won’t be able to join you guys for this awesome experience, but I’ve always been fond of MapTool, myself. You just have to make sure everyone is using the same version.
I’m not familiar with using Roll20, though, so take that (intended to be helpful) suggestion with a grain of salt.
MapTool is much the same thing as roll20, although if you’re willing to perform tech support on everyone’s computer every game, you can get a lot of awesome things done with frameworks.
As you might gather from the previous sentence, though, it has some reliability problems in my experience.
I’m not sure why the setup would be particularly arduous on roll20, though; it seems like it would be a relatively simple matter of ‘put up board as background, put tokens on board for units and terrain’. Admittedly this can take some time if you’ve got a lot of units, but it can take a while to sort through units in any case, whether physical or digital.
It’s mostly that there are a few things that I really feel like you SHOULD be able to do en masse, but the game stubbornly refuses to do anything with more than one token at a time, forcing me to click on every pog and give it a name, click on every pog to give my opponent control over its movement and vision of its HP and name. Admittedly, at like ten seconds a pog, forty pogs just means a five minute setup time, but five minutes of tedium is about six more than I really enjoy.
It’s mostly that there are a few things that I really feel like you SHOULD be able to do en masse, but the game stubbornly refuses to do anything with more than one token at a time, forcing me to click on every pog and give it a name, click on every pog to give my opponent control over its movement and vision of its HP and name. Admittedly, at like ten seconds a pog, forty pogs just means a five minute setup time, but five minutes of tedium is about six more than I really enjoy.
Hallo! I’m still interested, but my schedule is very much in flux. A googledoc would be a good idea, I think.