No, they are not compatible.
Per Rob Conley’s post:
1 able bodied men = 4 to 5 people or 1 household.
1 sq mile will feed 320 able bodied men
1 sq mile needs 30 able bodied men to utilize at 100%
ACKS’s assumptions are as follows
1 able-bodied man = 5 people or 1 family
1 able bodied man can farm 30 acres*
1 sq mile = 640 acres
1 sq. mile = (640/30) 21 able-bodied men to utilize at 100%
It’s 21 versus 30.
*Technically an able-bodied man farms 20 acres with 10 acres fallow on a 2/1 rotation. If you assume 1 man per 20 acres with no fallow, then 1 sq. mile requires 32 men, almost exactly the same as Rob’s post. So Rob is not far distant from us; but we don’t assume all of the acreage is under cultivation year round.
This is where the sharp difference occurs.
Rob Conley’s post:
1 sq mile will feed 320 able bodied men
1 acre will yield 1 quarter of wheat
1 quarter of wheat = 4gp
1 man will farm 20 acres (10 fallow) = 80gp per man
1 sq mile, with 2/3 of its acres under cultivation, will yield 1,680gp
1 able bodied man needs 3gp per month of wheat for subsistence
1 acre will support (1,680 / (3*12) ) = 47 able-bodied men
So the productivity of farming in the Wilderlands is roughly 8 times as great as the productivity of farming in ACKS. That has huge implications.
ACKS does some additional work to factor in the production of the women and children, as well as their consumption; we assume each woman produces 80gp of goods per year, each child 10gp of goods per year, and that total consumption for the household is 45gp per year.
Therefore each household produces (80+80+10+10+10) 190gp of economic value, and consumes 45gp of economic value, netting 145gp of economic value.
Peasants live at subsistence level, so the economic value is extracted in rents, taxes, and fees to their landlord. Therefore each household produces 145/12 ~ 12gp per month of economic value for their landlord.
This is why ACKS peasant families generate 12gp per month on average for the realm ruler.