No biggie - I’m not the one doing the heavy lifting on this
I’ve been playing around with it - how tough would it be to match & output escape characters? A few well placed linefeeds or tabs in the encounter listings would go a long way towards cleaning up the wall-o-text gotten from humanoid lairs, for example, without having to do a lot of code-rearch immediately.
Like this high roll on a Bandit Camp:
Bandit Camp of Bandit Band of 41 bandits armed with short swords, short bows, leather armor, and shield, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate, Bandit Band of 37 bandits armed with short swords, short bows, leather armor, and shield, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate, Bandit Band of 21 bandits armed with long swords, chainmail, shields, and light warhorses, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate, Bandit Band of 18 bandits armed with long swords, chainmail, shields, and light warhorses, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate, Bandit Band of 20 bandits armed with long swords, chainmail, shields, and light warhorses, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate, Bandit Band of 16 bandits armed with short swords, short bows, leather armor, and shield, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate, Bandit Band of 25 bandits armed with long swords, chainmail, shields, and light warhorses, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate, Bandit Band of 18 bandits armed with short swords, short bows, leather armor, and shield, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate, Bandit Band of 26 bandits armed with short swords, short bows, leather armor, and shield, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate, Bandit Band of 40 bandits armed with short swords, short bows, leather armor, and shield, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate, Bandit Band of 18 bandits armed with short swords, short bows, leather armor, and shield, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate, Bandit Band of 7 bandits armed with long swords, chainmail, shields, and light warhorses, plus 2xF2 and 1xF4 mounted in plate. Ruled by bandit captain 9th level fighter,plus 1 5th level fighter for every 2 warbands, MU L9.
which could be very usable as-is (I’d take each line-grouping of bandits and have that many encounter the PCs as they move about, or similar - say the group of 41 meets them at the barbican, the group of 7 are left at the prison, etc, etc.) if each Bandit Band was on it’s own line and maybe tabbed in one.
The more I think about it the more I like the random breakout, even though I miss a built-in total. Lets me fill areas of obstacles without having to see if I’ve used too many or too few.