Are unnumbered dungeon maps available anywhere? I would like to use them as a player’s map, revealed using applications for that purpose. (Ordinary image formats will do.) Thanks!
This is something I wish every module had.
Richard and I have been working on the map booklet, and one of the things on our list is getting layered image files for the cartography so that we can do things like provide un-numbered maps. My feeling is that these are more useful as downloads - to include them in the map booklet would not be as helpful - but I’d appreciate other opinions.
I’d prefer the download over a printed version. It would be easier for me to edit and print out what I want to show my players.
I agree with un-numbered downloads and numbered print versions.
Definitely prefer the un-numbered versions as a download.
I agree a player map for Dwimmermount would be awesome I would even pay for one. It would be especially cool, if it was made with stone textures etc and was available for purchase on roll20. It seem to me RPG companies could make a little money by releasing these thing with their products
I would definitely prefer downloads in this case since I’m using it for an on-line campaign.
If I were playing face to face, I would not care about un-numbered maps for the dungeon, since the players would be making their own, but for the towns, un-numbered printed maps would be cool. That is a much smaller desire than the availability of downloadable un-numbered maps for on-line play.
[quote="Tavis"] Richard and I have been working on the map booklet, and one of the things on our list is getting layered image files for the cartography so that we can do things like provide un-numbered maps. My feeling is that these are more useful as downloads - to include them in the map booklet would not be as helpful - but I'd appreciate other opinions. [/quote] Yes, downloads of these woul dbe extremely helpful! I realize this is an older post, but is there any update on this, or possibility it may be something that could still happen?
[quote="Thiles Targon"] I agree a player map for Dwimmermount would be awesome I would even pay for one. It would be especially cool, if it was made with stone textures etc and was available for purchase on roll20. It seem to me RPG companies could make a little money by releasing these thing with their products [/quote] This!
Even though I've already purchased the module, illustration book, and map book, I would definitely be willing to pay for the unkeyed maps in the Roll20 Marketplace.
Yes, I know this is an old thread but would like to add my hopes for unnumbered Dwimmermount maps for player use. Would be happy to pay for them as well.
Did this ever happen? About to run a Dwimmermount campaign and very much excited to do some player map handouts.
yes, this would be very handy for the Roll20 Campaign I am running.
There's only one, but Dyson did a version of the map of the first floor you can use (it's perfect for the wine cask found on the dead dwarves.)
There's only one, but Dyson did a version of the map of the first floor you can use (it's perfect for the wine cask found on the dead dwarves.)
[/quote] Nice. Thanks for this. I love Dyson's work, so this is perfect.