Dwimmermount MapTool

Hi all,

I have completed the basics for the levels 0 to 8 of the MapTool campaign for Dwimmermount. It includes all the rooms, the symbols on the original map, and line of sight. I have also included my ACKS macros, to make the game playable in that system. The files are located at:

Credits: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Credits.txt
Full campaign file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Dwimmermount%20b87.cmpgn
Level 0: The Divintarium: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%200.rpmap
Level 1: Path of Mavors: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%201.rpmap
Level 2A: Laboratory: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%202A.rpmap
Level 2B: Reliquary: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%202B.rpmap
Level 3A: House of Portals: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%203A.rpmap
Level 3B: Reservoir: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%203B.rpmap
Level 4: Halls of Lesser Secrets: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%204.rpmap
Level 5: Halls of Greater Secrets: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%205.rpmap
Level 6A: The Ossuaries: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%206A.rpmap
Level 6B: The Manufactory: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%206B.rpmap
Level 7: The Deep Hollows: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%207.rpmap
Level 8: The Prision: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%208.rpmap

This completes the maps suitable for MapTool; level 9 is a wilderness setting that does not fit that well in the tool. I will be using the G+ community moving forward, look for updates there.

sorry to say this, but I downloaded it and got a statement that Windows could not make this program work. Windows needed to find the program that it was written in.

@marlet: this is not a programm. it is an import file with campaign specific data for a programm called map tools: http://www.rptools.net/index.php?page=maptool. there is a menu allowing you to import the file, if i remember corrctly.

Thanks, Beastman, that is correct. The Maptool program can be found at http://www.rptools.net, but it will not register the extension of the file during the installation. You can open the campaign inside the program using the Open Campaign option.


We’ve played two sessions using your excellent map! It has been a great help to us, especially when making extensive use of the VBL, Lighting, and Sight functions of Maptool. The players have been enjoying only “seeing” what their character can see, and the fighters in great helms have been cursng only being able to “see” what their character can see. It has also been hilarious for the moments when a thief character tries to wander off into the dark…

“I follow the wall.”
“Ok. You feel what you think is a door.”
“I try to open it.”
“Ok, it’s open.”
“I head through, feeling the wall as I go.”
“You feel something leathery. Probably a wall hanging or statue.”
“Ok, I…”
“The statue growls at you.”
“It’s an Orc, isn’t it?”

At which point the thief died. Horribly.

Suggestions: You’ve left several doors uncovered with VBL. I think I’d prefer to have them covered by default and then uncover them when the door is opened.
I agree with not adding features that aren’t explicitly noted on the standard maps of Dwimmermount. It constrains GMs too much.

Very excited to see the next levels - especially level two.

Thank you for your comments, I am happy that you like it. On the doors without VBL, do you happen to recall the coordinates? It is an oversee on my part, nothing intended.

I am not sure on when I will have another level ready, but it should be easier now that I have a methodology to create the rooms, both will walls and caverns. One question, would you like to see a different pattern (or at least shade) in the floor depending on the level? It will be easier to make it and remove it later, than trying to incorporate it if I don’t do it at the beginning.


I have updated the map with the second level, and revised the VBL on level 1. I am working on a macro to move tokens from map to map, but I am still not sure on how to do it simple.


Awesome! Your timing is excellent, sir. Pesky players always forging forward towards a new level, after all.

Level 3A is ready, same link as before. I have used a different technique for the VBL this time (full VBL and carve the rooms vs. outline each room), and it was much easier than before. I will keep it for the other levels.
I have also included the naming convention for the teleporters from Wolph42’s bag of tricks to the stairs. The module itself is not included in the map.


Updated map with level 2B.

Updated map with level 3B. I have also recreated the VBL on level 2A.

Updated map with level 4, and recreated the VBL on level 1. I am taking some holidays :slight_smile:

I have updated the file with level 5. These levels are getting more and more complex!

Map updated with levels 6A and 6B.

I have created a couple more levels, and changed the files to be maps ready to import. The list of links is below.
I will be maintaining this list in the G+ community moving forward, look for updates there.

Full campaign file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Dwimmermount%20b87.cmpgn
Level 0: The Divintarium: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%200.rpmap
Level 1: Path of Mavors: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%201.rpmap
Level 2A: Laboratory: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%202A.rpmap
Level 2B: Reliquary: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%202B.rpmap
Level 3A: House of Portals: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%203A.rpmap
Level 3B: Reservoir: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%203B.rpmap
Level 4: Halls of Lesser Secrets: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%204.rpmap
Level 5: Halls of Greater Secrets: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%205.rpmap
Level 6A: The Ossuaries: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%206A.rpmap
Level 6B: The Manufactory: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%206B.rpmap
Level 8: The Prision: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25220351/Level%208.rpmap

Just an FYI this campaign file was to large to load with the default maptools setting of 256MB of memory, changing it to 512 (or more) works.

Fantastic job on the campaign file.

Thanks. I usually have it at 1,024, so I haven’t noticed, good catch.

I am doing my campaign one or two levels at a time, to keep the file around 3 or 4 Mb. Once you start adding tokens (I like Devin Night’s and those are detailed) it can get crazy.

I am happy that you like it. Please let me know if you find anything that is not working properly, or ideas for improvement.

I have updated the links on the original post, and changed the title, as I am done with the first iteration of the maps. I will direct the updates to the G+ community as they happen.


Does anyone have a archive of this that is still available?