The setup for my new campaign is that the party is being hired to serve as guards for a slightly higher-level group. Their expedition is to a set of barrow mounds two days away in the wilderness where it is believed a holy relic can be recovered.
The local church is funding the expedition to the tune of 1,000gp. I’ve put together an equipment list. However, in dealing with mules and encumbrance, especially that of water and feed, I think I may be doing something wrong.
The numbers are based upon having a week’s worth of food & water for 13 individuals and their 6 mules. It seems like the mules can’t carry enough water and feed for themselves for a week in addition to a reasonably amount of extra equipment. Are week-long ventures into the wilderness without a road (and therefore no cart) something that’s not supposed to happen?
Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.
This is the tally sheet:
1,000gp worth of pay & equipment
125gp 25gp per PC (5) for one month of work reporting to Priest Smid
20gp 2lb. of Birthwort (2/6 stone)
20gp 2lb. of Comfrey (2/6 stone)
20gp 2lb. of Goldenrod (2/6 stone)
20gp 2lb. of Woundwart (2/6 stone)
26gp 13 thick wool blankets (2 1/6 stone)
260gp 13 Tents (13 stone)
Adventuring Equipment
6gp 20 Flasks of Common Oil (3 2/6 stone)
2gp Small Hammer (1/6 stone)
25gp 1 pint of Holy Water (1/6 stone)
1gp 12 Iron spikes (1/6 stone)
20gp 2 Lanterns (2/6 stone)
4sp 4 10’ Wooden Poles (4 stone)
2gp 2 Coils of 50’ rope (2 stone)
4gp 8sp 6 Large sacks
1gp 6sp 2 Tinderboxes (2/6 stone)
4sp 24 Torches (4/6 stone)
8gp 2 Hand axes (2/6 stone)
2gp 2 Crowbars (2/6 stone)
12gp 3 sledge hammers (3 stone)
Beasts of Burden and Foodstuffs
120gp 6 Mules (20 stone comfortable/40 stone max each - 60’ move)
168gp 168 stone of feed (4 stone/mule/day for a week - 168 stone)
1gp 2sp 4 x 20 gallon barrels filled with water (80 stone)
13gp 13 weeks of iron rations (2 1/6 stone)
279 3/6 stone weight (240 stone - 6 mules max carrying capacity)
125gp pay to the PCs
853gp 4sp equipment
978gp 4sp Total (21gp 6sp under budget)