I see Explorers get a +5 bonus to the proficiency throw to evade encounters. And that even when surprised, they can do so on a 19+. But what is the target when not surprised? I can’t seem to find it anywhere. And does the +5 apply when surprised? Also, what is the target number for the Adventuring proficiency when players are engaging in typical adventuring task proficiency throws? Thanks!
I am not an Autarch! However…
mbeacom said: I see Explorers get a +5 bonus to the proficiency throw to evade encounters. And that even when surprised, they can do so on a 19+. But what is the target when not surprised?
See the Wilderness Evasion chart on page 100.
mbeacom said: And does the +5 apply when surprised?
As we’ve handled it, no. It’s a 19+, straight up, although we did modify for size (once again, see the Wilderness Evasion chart on page 100). I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the bonus is supposed to apply, though (Alex?). It’s an area of the rules that lacks clarity.
mbeacom said: Also, what is the target number for the Adventuring proficiency when players are engaging in typical adventuring task proficiency throws?
There isn’t one given, as the idea behind the proficiency is that it covers simple tasks that generally don’t need a proficiency throw. On the odd occasion we’ve needed one, we’ve used 11+, which appears to be the default value on a lot of proficiencies.
Adventuring throws: Unless engaged in a task defined elsewhere, it’s entirely up to the Judge’s ruling of how difficult the particular task is. Generally I would default to 11+, but for most undefined Adventuring tasks like cleaning your weapons, riding a horse out of combat, I wouldn’t request a throw at all.
Evading wilderness encounters: ACKS page 100 has the table for evading wilderness encounters. There’s no single number, it depends on the ratio of evading party size to chasing party size.
I would assume the +5 does not apply when surprised, but I am not an Autarch and I do not have an official answer for that one.
To Bobloblah and Aryxmaraki
#1 Thank you! I apparently missed this as the evasion table is in the Chase section. Guess I should have read further. Thank you.
#2 I think it will work fine either way. Was just curious how others handled it really. Thanks!
#3 That’s what I thought, about not really needing a throw for most adventuring tasks, but then was unsure due to the wording at the end, “All player characters are assumed to have Adventuring for purposes of the proficiency throws of standard adventuring tasks.” So I assumed there were some throws involved with this proficiency.
Thanks again!
The standard tasks that use Adventuring proficiency are:
- Listening for noises 18+
- Searching for traps 18+
- Bashing open doors 18+
- Searching for secret doors 18+
- Avoiding getting lost in the wilderness (varies)
- Evading wilderness encounters (varies)
- Swimming (varies)
It also covers a variety of activities that can be performed without a throw:
- Riding a horse in normal conditions
- Handling common animals
- Setting a camp
- Lighting a fire
- Cooking simple meals
- Cleaning and maintaining weapons and armor
- Appraising treasure
Alex said: The standard tasks that use Adventuring proficiency are:
- Listening for noises 18+
- Searching for traps 18+
- Bashing open doors 18+
- Searching for secret doors 18+
- Avoiding getting lost in the wilderness (varies)
- Evading wilderness encounters (varies)
- Swimming (varies)
Hunh! I thought those were the base chances for everybody, regardless. So, out of curiosity, what would you say are the chances of a 0th Level Human to perform those tasks?
I have carefully reviewed your request and, based on myself as a representative 0th level human, using my performance in these subtasks, I would assume 20+ for all of the above, except for getting lost (-4 to -8 penalty), evading (-4 penalty) and swimming (amazing physico-savant ability, 2+.)
Must be all those levels in Game Designer Extraordinaire.
I’m sorry, but, could you move a little closer? I can’t quite reach your ego to stroke it from here…
HAH. It’s so large, I’m surprised you can’t reach.
It’s not so much the size as the way it hovers imperiously just out of reach of the common man.
This whole thread was so funny, I posted it on Facebook.
I laughed, I cried.