Garrison Morale Family Decrease/Increase

According to the ACKS core book, an increased garrison also decrease family growth. Later, in the example, the opposite is said to be true. As well, I am confused to what is actually decreased/increased with a larger garrison. Does the domain receive a bonus/malus to the roll to increase population size per month? Or am I missing something entirely?

[quote="Grubsnatcher"] According to the ACKS core book, an increased garrison also decrease family growth. Later, in the example, the opposite is said to be true. [/quote] I can't find either of these things in the core book. Could you please quote the relevant section or give a page number?

According to my reading of the core rules, all garrison size affects is A) the cost of the garrison, B) your domain's morale, and C) the troops you have available. Morale does have an effect on domain growth, but it's pretty indirect. Are you sure you're not misreading the rules for something else?

Page 132 under Season Event chart. "Garrison above normal last season: +1/gp/family decrease". After reading it closer, it's not a family decrease per gp, Yeah, I misreading the rules!