In this thread, Alex suggested that, when building garrisons for pre-existing realms, “Just spend the gold, subject to a limit of 1 year’s quota of each type of mercenary troop for the size of the realm.”
That seems like a good way to do it, so I am trying to determine how to calculate a year’s quota of mercenaries. Most the realms I am dealing with are independent duchies and counties. Based on my reading of DaW:Campaigns, pages 9-11, it appears that with a time period of 1 month and a crop size of 360, a year’s quota of light infantry for a duchy of 20000 families is 1080 (3 crops per year * 360 per crop). With a time period of 1 week and a crop size of 85, a year’s quota of light infantry for a county of 4600 families is 255 (12 crops per year * 85 per crop). Is that the correct way to calculate this?
Also, if there are more than 180 light infantry in a duke’s garrison, or more than 42 light infantry in a count’s garrison, are prices increased for light infantry throughout the realm? And am I correct to assume that a supply-and-demand increase in the price of troops does not increase their value as part of a garrison?