Help! Any templates for Halflings bounder (Heroic Fantasy)

Running my Mystara themed ACKs game and throwing in the BECMI 7 (plus explorer and Priestess) and Halflings bounder comes closest but hasn’t got a template table.

Has anyone got a template table (homebrew or otherwise) for this class?

As a matter of fact…this is from my Mystara game:

3d6 Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Ne’er-do-Well Ambushing & Survival Sling, 20 round riverstones, well-used oak tree branch, tanned hide armor, tattered cloak, old freeholder’s tunic and pants, leather belt, well-worn low boots, backpack, 2 week’s standard rations
5-6 Gardener Alertness & Naturalism Sling, 20 sling stones, gardening sickle, paring knife with boot-sheath, oiled leather armor, plain tunic and pants, leather belt, soft boots, backpack, waterskin, small sack, candle, tinderbox, 2 week’s standard rations, 7gp
7-8 Woodcutter Combat Trickery (knockdown) & Land Surveying Bolas, splitting axe, hatchet, whittling knife, ring mail armor, tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, wool blanket, tinderbox, 2 bundles of 6 torches, 2 weeks’ iron rations
9-10 Militia Member Fighting Style (weapon & shield) & Military Strategy Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, small spear, small shield, scale armor, tanned brown cloak, thick tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, tinderbox, lantern, flask of common oil, wineskin, 2 weeks’ iron rations
11-12 Burglar Contortionism & Bargaining Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, short sword, dagger, chain mail armor, hooded cloak, dark tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, small sack, crowbar, tinderbox, wax candle, small hammer, 12 iron spikes, wineskin, 2 week’s iron rations
13-14 Kennelmaster Precise Shooting & Animal Training Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, short sword, 3 daggers, chainmail armor, small shield, tanned brown cloak, thick tunic and pants, leather belt, backpack, blanket, tinderbox, bundle of 6 torches, 2 weeks iron rations, waterskin, 3 cute but fierce hunting dogs
15-16 Wanderer Skirmishing & Mapping Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, sword wielded two-handed, chainmail armor, traveler’s tunic and pants, riding boots, pony, riding saddle and tack, leather saddlebags, tinderbox, lantern, 2 flasks of common oil, 2 week’s standard rations
17-18 Upper Class Adventurer Diplomacy & Riding Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, ornate short sword, silver dagger, child-size breastplate, fine tunic and pants, riding boots, backpack, wineskin with good wine, blank book, quill & ink, mirror, tinderbox, lantern, mule, leather saddlebags, 4 flasks of military oil, 2 flasks of common oil, small hammer, 12 iron spikes, 50’ rope, 1lb garlic, 1lb wolfsbane, 2 week’s standard rations, 4gp

Halfling Bounder Notes: A gardening sickle is a type of short sword, a paring knife is a type of dagger, a splitting axe is a type of battle axe, a hatchet is a type of hand axe, a whittling knife is a type of dagger, a small spear is a type of javelin, a pony is a type of donkey, and a child-size breastplate is a type of banded plate armor.

It has barely been playtested, as there’ve been almost no Halfling characters. The Burglar in particular is weak, as there are no appropriate class proficiencies due to the split between Bounder and Burglar.

Another thing to note is that the Heroic Fantasy Handbook doesn’t give the ACKS I Explorer ability to Hide to the Bounder, which the BECMI Halfling has, but I removed Placating and gave Hiding back to the Bounder.

I LOVE you! I can’t believe how awesome this is. Would you have any other resources you’d be willing to share?

What are you looking for?

Whatever you feel like sharing mate. If you have any other materials like classes etc templates etc I’d love to have them.

I tried running Mystara before in 5e and had a great time of it. I have a lot of the gazetteers and pop into the Vaults of Pandius from time to time.

Just started my ACKs II Mystara campaign on Saturday and it was a big success (Prelude to a modified B5 Horror on the Hill).

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Yeah, if you read my actual play thread here, I started that campaign with B5 set in the Grand Duchy, located on the Highreach River between Kelvin and Penhaligon: Beyond the Karameikan Frontier

The bulk of the adventure material I used for the main group (that campaign was open table, and evolved into two different major groupings of players) was as follows:
A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords (heavily modified)
B5 Horror on the Hill
B6 The Veiled Society
B10 Night’s Dark Terror
B11 King’s Festival (modified)
B12 Queen’s Harvest (modified)
CM4 Earthshaker
DDA3 Eye of Traldar (heavily modified)
G2 Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl
L2 Assassin’s Knot
UK2 The Sentinel (modified pieces without the artifact plot)
UK3 The Gauntlet (modified pieces without the artifact plot)
X12 Skarda’s Mirror
Red Hand of Doom (heavily modified)
Vault of the Dracolich (lightly modified)

I did a fair bit of conversion work for some of this material (I tried to restrict conversion to stuff I was about to use), but a lot of that is sitting in Realmworks, a now dead product for campaign organization with a database structure that doesn’t make it easy to export from; the remainder is on an Obsidian Portal campaign website. This was all done in ACKS I, although I had a bunch of houserules that made the stuff from the Adventures chapter look suspiciously like ACKS II.

I also did a lot of as-needed work on demographics and domains for the Grand Duchy, as well as conversions of many of the important personalities. I also did a tiny amount of custom Class work, with the slightly modified Halfling Warden (essentially a Bounder tweaked to be more like the BECMI Halfling), and the Gnomish Tinker (a heavily modified Dwarven Machinist). I can look through what I have and see what might be easy to toss your way, but it’s probably far easier if you give me an idea of what you’re running and where, so I know where to focus.

If you’re NOT running in the Grand Duchy, I have other campaigns set in the Known World…

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Heh…I just remembered that I also had Barrowmaze sitting on the Moor near Kelvin, but the players had one really bad experience with a Fear effect there (okay, and some traps and spiders) and never went back again.


That’s amazing. I’ll start reviewing this. Thanks.

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