This thread happened a year ago on the subject of thief skills:
I found the thread fascinating and made some contributions to it at the time. My thoughts and house rules on the matter have changed a bit since then and I’d like to share them with the community.
Goals I had in mind when tweaking my house rules:
- to keep the existing thief skills table intact
- to keep all my house rules for thief skills on one, easy to read page
- to keep any changes as simple and minimal as possible
- to improve the chance of success for low-level thieves to the point that it is in the general range of other class’s abilities (ex: 1st level fighters hit orcs on a 13+, 1st level clerics turn skeletons on a 10+, etc.)
Open Locks
Codify the complexity of a lock and assume that the number on the thieves’ skill chart is applied against a high quality lock.
Common lock: +8
Good quality lock: +4
High quality lock: +0
Find Traps
Make this skill operate passively. If actively searching, the character gains a +6 bonus (this is modeled after the keen eyes ability of elves). Essentially, a thief gets up to two chances to find a trap… a passive chance (rolled by the Judge) and an active chance (if the player declares a search).
Remove Traps
Codify the complexity of the trap and assume that the number on the thieves’ skill chart is applied against a very complex trap.
Basic Trap: +8
Tricky Trap: +4
Difficult Trap: +0
Pick Pockets
Allow a thief the option to attempt to snatch an object out of another’s possession without regard to being noticed (i.e. the lowly act of grabbing an old lady’s purse) at a +4 bonus.
Move Silently, Climb Walls
If a thief keeps his encumbrance low – 3 stones or less – he gains a +4 and +2 bonus on these proficiency throws respectively.
Hide in Shadows
If the thief’s clothing blends in with his environment (most common = dark clothes when in dark or shadowy conditions), he gets a +4 bonus to Hide in Shadows.
Hear Noise
No change.
If you have any thoughts, please share.