Splitting from “Extended level progression?” where there I mentioned Immortal rules I’m currently working on. For those interested, here is some portion of the work already done:
Characters that have achieved their maximum possible levels in their class begin to leave the realms of mortals and begin to walk the paths of the Immortals, powerful beings that are tied to the primordial forces of the multiverse. Such characters no longer advance in their former class, but instead advance as Immortal beings as shown on the Immortal Advancement table. An Immortal that advances to beyond the status of Deity enters a higher state of consciousness and transforms into cosmic energy, merging with the primordial force of the multiverse with which he is associated.
Immortal Advancement:
XP / Title / LVL / HD / AT / ST / GIS / LIS / Imuities
+200.000 / Paradon / +1 / +8hp / -1 / -1 / 0 / 1 / Level 1 spells + special
+400.000 / Icon / +2 / +16hp/ -2 / -2 / 1 / 1 / -
+600.000 / Idol / +3 / +24hp/ -3 / -3 / 1 / 2 / Level 2 spells
+800.000 / Demi-God / +4 / +32hp/ -4 / -4 / 2 / 2 / -
+1.000.000/God / +5 / +40hp/ -5 / -5 / 2 / 3 / Level 3
+1.200.000/Lesser Deity / +6 / +48hp/ -6 / -6 / 3 /3 /-
+1.400.000/Greater Deity/ +7 / +56hp/ -7 / -7 / 3 /3 /Level 4
Each time, a character advances as an Immortal, his former class’s attack throw value decreases by 1 point. Thus a 15th level Paragon-Overlord (fighter) has an Attack Throw of 0+, while a 17th level Idol-Overlord (fighter) has an Attack Throw of -2+.
Each time, a character advances as an Immortal, he gains a fixed number of additional hit points that are added to his hit point total. The character’s CON-modifier does not apply.
Each time that a character advances as an Immortal, his former character class level is increased by +1. Thus, a 14th level mage that advances to Paragon level of Immortality becomes a 15th level Paragon-Archmage and 10th level spellsword is now an 11th level Paragon-Wizard-Lord.
Each time, a character advances as an Immortal, his former class’s saving throw values decrease by 1 point each. Thus a 16th level Icon-Overlord (fighter) has Saving Throws of 4+ (Petrifaction & Paralysis), 3+ (Poison & Death), 5+ (Blast & Breath), 5+ (Staff & Wands) and 6+ (Spells)
This is the number of experience points required to advance as an Immortal. This number is based on the character’s highest class level of his former class. A 14th level fighter requires 8.500.000 + 200.000 = 8.700.000 XP to advance to Paragon level, while a 10th level vaultguard requires 430.000 + 200.000 = 530.000 XP.