% in Lair: None
Dungeon Enc: Swarm (1d4)
Wilderness Enc: Swarm (1d4)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90’ (30’)
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 8******
Attacks: 2 (pseudopods)
Damage: 2d6/2d6
Save: F8
Morale: +4
Treasure Type: P×2
XP: 3,600
% in Lair: None
Dungeon Enc: Swarm (1d3)
Wilderness Enc: Swarm (1d3)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90’ (30’)
Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 10******
Attacks: 2 (pseudopods)
Damage: 2d10/2d10
Save: F10
Morale: +4
Treasure Type: P×2
XP: 5,050
% in Lair: None
Dungeon Enc: Solitary (1)
Wilderness Enc: Solitary (1)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90’ (30’)
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 20******
Attacks: 2 (pseudopods)
Damage: 3d10/3d10
Save: F14
Morale: +4
Treasure Type: P×3
XP: 13,600
A shoggoth appears as an amoebic ooze of black iridescence 10’–15’ across, fetid and faintly luminous, made up of protoplasmic bubbles, forming green-glowing eyes, grasping pseudopods, and vile mouths that gibber in mimicry of ancient words. Terrible creations of the long-forgotten masters of life-shaping, the shoggoths are a dread remnant of another time. The sorcerer-kings vehemently believe — and hope — that none have survived to this age, but some are still found in deep, distant ruins, locked away until some errant fool releases them on the world.
Shoggoths attack by flowing over and around their victims, grasping with huge pseudopods, and crushing and sucking their victims into pieces, eventually grinding them into nothing. Shoggoths are able to swallow whole creatures of up to human size on an attack throw at least 4 higher than the target value, and on any unmodified attack throw of 20. A swallowed creature takes the shoggoth’s pseudopod damage per round. The damage stops when either the creature dies or the shoggoth is killed. If a creature that has been swallowed has a sharp weapon, it may attack the shoggoth from inside with an attack penalty of -4. Should the swallowed creature die and remain inside the shoggoth for 6 turns, it is irrevocably crushed and digested. Treasure may be found inside the shoggoth when it is killed.
Shoggoths are immune to sleep, charm, hold, other mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, and disease, and suffer only half damage from all weapons, as well as from fire and electricity, and no damage from cold. They regenerate 2 hit points per round. Any attempt to psionically contact a shoggoth (or to use ESP on one) fails and requires a saving throw vs. Spells at -4 to avoid immediate and permanent insanity (similar to confusion). Finally, they can ignore any spell or spell-like effect with a Magic Resistance throw of 15+.