<softly> "We can cut around back of some buildings directly south and hope we don't lose them, or follow them straight down that lane and cut them down from behind. I always prefer taking them from behind!"
<softly> "We can cut around back of some buildings directly south and hope we don't lose them, or follow them straight down that lane and cut them down from behind. I always prefer taking them from behind!"
[quote="Masov"] Masov follows Kerrick's path down as well, and will have crossbow ready.
'I'm a little torn on engaging them within town or just past the walls; available cover is an issue, space to move, as well as an unknown quantity of possible allies for them in the town...' he states quietly. 'If we have a moment, I'd regale you with the tale of Hragnar Leftshoe, who singlehandedly saved his hamlet from the predations of a large group of spider-god-worshiping goblins, and will provide some inspiration and courage for the task ahead.' [/quote]
The party catches sight of a shadow moving on the wall of the inn...
[quote="Kaul"] I will climb the building right in front of me, it has a big roof to manuever, then i will get in position to fire an arrow as my party aproaches. [/quote]
Kaul nimbly leaps onto the stone wall of the inn and begins climbing. The timber of its construction makes the climb trivial for one so skilled, yet the Thief very nearly becomes stuck halfway, struggling to reach the roof. Were it not for many protrusions, Kaul might have actually fallen!
Panting heavily, Kaul drags himself onto the wooden shakes of the roof, resting for a moment. Glancing back, he can clearly see the party moving forward, the moonlight shining off Kerrick's armor. If the party moves quickly, it appears they may reach the silent group just as they turn south towards the gate, assuming that is their destination.
Kaul hustles across the roof, knocking an arrow as he reaches the southern edge of the building. He can see that the torch-bearing party has turned east, headed towards the T-junction leading south...
The silent group is well within short range of Kaul's long bow.
[quote="Hengist"] <softly> "We can cut around back of some buildings directly south and hope we don't lose them, or follow them straight down that lane and cut them down from behind. I always prefer taking them from behind!" [/quote]
Moving quickly, the party skirts the Baron's estate, the stone manorial wall on their left. The group passes behind the inn, and can see the gap in the buildings ahead where the village road turns south to the palisade gate. As you draw close, flickering shadows move on the road, presaging the approach of the strange and silent group...
The party is close enough to reach the gap (and hence the T-junction) before their quarry, if desired. What do you do? What order are you in? Keep in mind that your only illumination is moonlight; you can see, but neither far, nor well. Missile fire will be at a penalty, depending on how far and how well illuminated the target is.
Kaul just saw his compatriots move behind the small building to the south-east of the inn.
I will position myself in a way that the falldown of the roof gives me some cover and then open fire.
[quote="Kaul"] I will position myself in a way that the falldown of the roof gives me some cover and then open fire. [/quote]
Kaul moves over the peak of the roof, then stands and takes careful aim, loosing an arrow into the moonlit darkness...
A shaft sprouts from the from the neck of one of the dark, slouched figures, and it soundlessly collapses to the ground! Chaos erupts amongst the figures, but their panic is still impossibly silent. The torch-bearing figure in the lead looks about, and quickly catches sight of Kaul's silhouette as the Thief knocks another arrow. The figure waves the torch towards the inn with an overhand motion, and the remaining slouched figures break from the group. Dropping their bundle, they head towards the inn at a run...
Intiative and actions, please.
Kerrick Helmsworth
Kerrick will wait for a round of missile fire from the party, ideally softening them up, before charging.
(Dice are all included for when they become relevant!)
(edit: I forgot my extra d6’s from charging. Adding them in at the end.)
Here is the situation after Kaul has fired, but before the rest of the party has moved.
...will oblige Kerrick with a crossbow bolt when able, by moving foward up the alley against the westward wall, taking aim at the black-clad figure.
With Dagmar following I'll head southwest along the side of the western building until we round the corner of the building and see the group. "Brace against a charge here, Dagmar!"
Meanwhile I'll throw my spear at the nearest figure I see - presumably the torchbearer if the map is current, but I'm not picky.
I will shoot against the closest figure
[quote="Kerrick Helmsworth"] Kerrick will wait for a round of missile fire from the party, ideally softening them up... [/quote]
[quote="Masov"] Masov will oblige Kerrick with a crossbow bolt when able, by moving foward up the alley against the westward wall, taking aim at the black-clad figure. [/quote]
Masov jogs forward, edging around the corner of the building with his crossbow raised...the torchbearing figure appears fixated on something to the north, presumably Kaul. Masov lets fly, the bolt grazing the torchbearer's leg. The figure jolts in surprise and anger, spinning in Masov's direction, but not a sound is made.
[quote="Kaul"] I will shoot against the closest figure [/quote]
As the slouched figures move away from the torchbearing figure towards the inn where Kaul is perched, the Thief suddenly hears an inhuman grunting and squealing come up from them. Though he draws and knocks an arrow as quickly as possible, he isn't fast enough - the slouched figures pass from sight as they approach the base of the inn. Kaul adjusts his aim towards the blackclad figure who has begun to run towards the building the party has moved behind, the arrow catching the figure on the run. The blackclad figure lets out a sharp cry of pain as the arrow strikes his side, but although he staggers, he does not fall!
From below, Kaul hears a clatter and grunting; it sounds as though the slouched attackers are attempting to climb.
[quote="Hengist"] With Dagmar following I'll head southwest along the side of the western building until we round the corner of the building and see the group. "Brace against a charge here, Dagmar!"
Meanwhile I'll throw my spear at the nearest figure I see - presumably the torchbearer if the map is current, but I'm not picky. [/quote]
Dagmar and Hengist race past Masov into the street, as Kerrick attempts to get his horse under control - his steed seems unnerved by squealing sounds coming from the far side of the building - but the horse then lunges forward as Kerrick finally manages to direct him. The Paladin reaches the corner of the building as Hengist draws back and hurls his spear at the torchbearer. His aim is true, and the spear strikes home silently, opening a terrible wound in the man's chest, tearing the chain byrnie he wears beneath his cloak. The man nearly drops the torch and appears to scream, but still no sound issues from his mouth.
[quote="Kerrick Helmsworth"] ...before charging. [/quote]
Kerrick moves into the street and readies himself to charge...
Kerrick is dead last in Initiaitive order, and the positioning didn't allow him to charge in the first round. He could, however, finish his move next to the torchbearer and attack this round...or wait and charge (with the rolls he has) next round.
Kerrick Helmsworth
Kerrick, seeing that they are all still alive and together and that Dagmar and Hengist are preparing to receive them rather than advancing, will hold onto his charge until the next round.
Gwyddion sprints around the back side of the inn and stops to listen intently. He keeps a dagger handy for self-defense.
I'll draw the longsword 'Order', and my dagger with my off hand, and attack. The black-clad figure by preference if I see him; otherwise the crowd heading towards the inn if I can reach one; the torchbearer only as a last resort. My combat move is 20' at the moment. No idea what the sword does, so that's not in the numbers. (Alternately, if I somehow don't get stuck in combat this round at all, I'll drop my pack and bow which will raise my move to 40'.)
[assuming I attack; otherwise I'll stay silent and let her keep bracing against a charge:] "Stay behind me, but get that spear stuck in Dagmar! It'll make you feel like a real man for the first time!" Intending to have Dagmar attack the same target while fighting from behind me.
I will lean over the roof and shoot the first of the climbers.
Heartened by hitting at least something, if not his actual target, Masov will reload and refire, if the fireway is clear; else he'd want to eyeball and scootch over to a clear field of fire without necessarily getting too close to the enemy crowd.
[quote="Kaul"] I will lean over the roof and shoot the first of the climbers. [/quote]
Kaul moves over the peak and down to the edge of the roof, cautious of his footing as he leans out far enough to see the wall. Below him he can make out several shadowy shapes shimmying their way upwards at either corner of the inn, but he'd swear there were more of them that ran across the open area before the wall...
Drawing back, he looses an arrow at the highest of the climbers, his shot grazing the figure's arm...the figure lets out a grunting squeal that rises sharply in pitch as it tumbles from the wall to the ground below, landing inverted with a sickening "Crunch!" It does not move, but the others look up from their climbing, and Kaul sees their eyes flash red in the moonlight as they continue to clamber towards the roof.
Back on the ground before the inn, the blackclad figure runs behind the building shielding the party and out of sight before they can round the corner. The torchbearer makes a strange gesture in the party's direction, and everything suddenly becomes very, very quiet.
Kerrick, Hengist, Dagmar, and Masov can no longer hear each other, or anything else. Please refrain from posting conversation or direction to others. Only post your character's actions.
The torchbearer the raises aloft some small object from under a cloak, and appears to present it twards the group, soundlessly. A moment later, the figure slips from view!
[quote="Hengist"] I'll draw the longsword 'Order', and my dagger with my off hand, and attack. The black-clad figure by preference if I see him; otherwise the crowd heading towards the inn if I can reach one; the torchbearer only as a last resort. [/quote]
Hengist calls to Dagmar behind him as he runs around the corner of the building after the blackclad figure, yet no sound falls from his lips or issues from booted feet as he runs. As he turns, he catches sight of the torchbearer from the corner of his eye; Hengist snatches a quick glance back towards the torchbearer, but with a slightly dizzying sensation, the figure again slips from view, and Hengist concentrates back on where he's going.
As he comes round the far side of the building from where he started, Hengist pulls up short: the black clad man is nowhere in sight! Checking behind, Dagmar doesn't appear to have followed, and Hengist once again feels a slightly vertiginous sensation as the torchbearer seems to slip into view in the corner of his eye, but maddeningly slides from sight as Hengist looks towards him.
Dagmar seems to hesitate, remaining where she stands, uncertain and confused as Hengist runs out of sight. She keeps her spear up, as if awaiting the charge of an enemy.
[quote="Gwyddion"] Gwyddion sprints around the back side of the inn and stops to listen intently. He keeps a dagger handy for self-defense. [/quote]
As Gwydion runs back in the direction he came, he spots some of the slouching figures climbing the corner of the inn, and another loping around the large building in the same direction he is headed...
Does Gwydion continue on his way if it means he'll approach the figure?
[quote="Masov"] Heartened by hitting at least something, if not his actual target, Masov will reload and refire, if the fireway is clear; else he'd want to eyeball and scootch over to a clear field of fire without necessarily getting too close to the enemy crowd. [/quote]
Stepping over slightly from Dagmar and Kerrick, raises his crossbow to aim at the torchbearer, but immediately feels a sickening sensation in the pit of his stomach as the torchbearer slides from view...the Bard stumbles slightly, catching a glimpse of his target, only to see it dizzyingly vanish again as he re-raises his crossbow.
Cursing, Masov looses a bolt towards the inn, but in the moonlight his misjudges his aim, and the shot falls well short of the slouched figures that are shimmying up the walls.
[quote="Kerrick Helmsworth"] Kerrick, seeing that they are all still alive and together and that Dagmar and Hengist are preparing to receive them rather than advancing, will hold onto his charge until the next round. [/quote]
Kerrick raises his spear to charge, but the torchbearer vanishes from sight! Kerrick shakes his head violently, trying to clear the dizzy sensation he feels, and the torchbearer slips in and out of view, maddeningly disappearing whenever the Paladin tries to focus on him.
Kerrick can continue his movement, if he wishes to. He cannot reach any other enemies this round, though.
Gwyddion stops short and ducks behind the nearest concealment. He then watches, attempting to discern some weakness or opportunity which will permit him to influence the action meaningfully.
Are there any tools lying nearby?
...if seemingly not in immediate danger of melee, will continue to volley at the dudes climbing up the walls.
I will shot at the closes climber and then evaluate if i have the time for a third arrow before they get to the roof.