In-Character 5 Hunt Through the Dark

[quote="Gwyddion"] Gwyddion stops short and ducks behind the nearest concealment. He then watches, attempting to discern some weakness or opportunity which will permit him to influence the action meaningfully. [/quote]

Gwyddion sees the slouched figure move along the east or rear wall of the inn a ways, then turn and begin to slowly clamber up the stonework, grunting and sqealing like no man he has ever heard. The others are higher, and are now about a third of the way up the wall.

[quote="Gwyddion"] Are there any tools lying nearby? [/quote]

Looking about, he finds this side of the building in deep shadow. Fumbling around, he finds a wide, swinging wooden door which is closed, and beside it, what he discerns is a pitchfork...

[quote="Hengist"] Hengist is determined to stab someone tonight.  If I can only see the torchbearer out of the corner of my eye, I'll only look at him out of the corner of my eye.  Swiveling my head past him to get an idea of where he is, I'll head back towards him, angle my head away until I can see him, and attack, still fighting with sword and dagger. [/quote]

Glancing sidelong at the torchbearer, Hengist grins triumphantly as he catches sight of the figure, but his elation is short lived, as the moment he focuses his attention on attacking, the torchbearer slides from view again with the same stomach-turning sensation.

Feel free to change Hengist's action, as this only takes a second or two for Hengist to realise.

Hengist determined to stab someone tonight.  If I can only see the torchbearer out of the corner of my eye, I'll only look at him out of the corner of my eye.  Swiveling my head past him to get an idea of where he is, I'll head back towards him, angle my head away until I can see him, and attack, still fighting with sword and dagger.

Changed to:  I'll put my back flush against the wall of the building I'm nearest so I can't be easily back-stabbed, and shrug out of my pack and bow, keeping my weapons ready as much as possible.  If succesful that will bring my combat move up to 40'.


Waiting until the last of the climbers is at least man-height, Gwyddion calls out in Elvish: “Attack!”

He then waits in the shadows while gauging reactions.

Kerrick Helmsworth

Kerrick, after attempting to focus on the torchbearer for a bit, wildly looks around searching for an enemy he can reach. Finding none, he continues forward to examine the body and sack.

(He will attempt to keep the torchbearer in the corner of his eye as much as possible, to at least be alerted ahead of time if he is about to be stabbed in the back by him.)

((I don’t think I ever technically rolled initiative for this round, but between the waiting and delays, I’ll just go on 0.))

[quote="Gwyddion"] Waiting until the last of the climbers is at least man-height, Gwyddion calls out in Elvish: "Attack!" He then waits in the shadows while gauging reactions. [/quote]

When Gwyddion shouts out, he spies the last figure to climb, the one that moved around the building, glance in his direction for a moment, it's eyes glowing red in the moonlight. The look is brief, however, and the figure then continues its awkward ascent.

[quote="Kerrick Helmsworth"] Kerrick, after attempting to focus on the torchbearer for a bit, wildly looks around searching for an enemy he can reach. Finding none, he continues forward to examine the body and sack. [/quote]

The sack is unmoving. Upon closer approach, Kerrick gets a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach; the size...the seems likely to be a body, but smaller than an adult.

[quote="Kerrick Helmsworth"] (He will attempt to keep the torchbearer in the corner of his eye as much as possible, to at least be alerted ahead of time if he is about to be stabbed in the back by him.) [/quote]

The torchbearer is moving away to the south, the passing torchlight leaving the area lit only by moonlight. While there is still that weirding sensation when trying to look at the figure, it eases with distance. Looming in the darkness to the south is the bulk of the temple.

[quote="Hengist"] I'll put my back flush against the wall of the building I'm nearest so I can't be easily back-stabbed, and shrug out of my pack and bow, keeping my weapons ready as much as possible.  If succesful that will bring my combat move up to 40'. [/quote]

Hengist moves towards the building, looking about wildly for his vanished quarry. He can see the shadows moving up the wall of the inn in the moonlight, and also notices that the torchlight has faded. As he draws close to the shadowed wall of the building, he turns his back to it to make certain no enemy can approach him unseen...when Dagmar suddenly lets out a terrified shout, "Ware!" as a man slips out of the shadows beneath the eaves of the building behind him. Hengist spots the man at the last instant, trying to twist aside as the black clad man lunges at him with a thin, steel dagger.

Though Hengist manages to grasp his assailant's wrist, turning the blow from his vitals, the black clad man still slams into him. The force of the pointed blade's impact punctures his chain hauberk, biting into Hengist's shoulder!

Hengist takes 2 hp damage from the stilleto.



I smile at him, and return the black-clad man's attack.  [Numbers are still for fighting with two weapons, Order, and a dagger in my off-hand; no idea what Order does if anything.]  And I yell, "Come on in Dagmar, no need to fight fair!"  [Provisional rolls for Dagmar joining the attack, providing she can reach and elects to.]


Keen to help his companions but unwilling to close into melee, Gwydion elects to attack the nearest climber with a dart.

[quote="Hengist"] I smile at him, and return the black-clad man's attack. And I yell, "Come on in Dagmar, no need to fight fair!" [/quote]

Hengist pushes the man off, knocking the stiletto aside with his dagger, and lunging forward with the sword, Order. The blade slides past the black clad man's guard and slices through the leather armor along his side like a warm knife through butter. The black clad man stumbles back, when suddenly Dagmar's spear slams into his chest, piercing him through and pinning him to the wall. The man's lips form into a silent "Oh," before he slumps forward on to Dagmar's spear.

[quote="Gwydion"] Keen to help his companions but unwilling to close into melee, Gwydion elects to attack the nearest climber with a dart. [/quote]

Leaving the shadows, the Enchanter moves close enough to throw a dart at one of the strange, inhuman climbers; his aim is true, and he strikes the nearest climber in the back. In spite of a grotesque squeal, the climber continues to ascend...

[quote="Masov"] Masov, if seemingly not in immediate danger of melee, will continue to volley at the dudes climbing up the walls. [/quote]

The Bard fires another bolt at the climbers, hitting one of them in the back, causing it to fall. The figure loses it's grip with a squealing sound like the others, its squeal cut short as it hits the ground.

Kaul has time for another arrow.


"That was bad-ass, Dagmar!  Thanks!  Ah... bows, I guess.  Kaul's about to be in trouble."

I'll sheath weapons and string the composite bow, while Dagmar readies her short bow.  I'm assuming that precludes ranged attacks this round, but I'd like to be ready the next.


I will shoot a last arrow before prepare to run away from the creatures. 

Kerrick Helmsworth

Muttering a prayer to Thor for the child’s soul, Kerrick will wheel his horse and charge at the climbers, attempting to stab them off the wall.


Gwydion blanches at the shudder before looking over his shoulder to ensure there is no immediate threat. He then lobs another dart.


'.........' says Masov, possibly unheard in the magical effect, but the look of smug satisfaction on his face tells you his comment was a masterful mix of wit, sarcasm, and cultural references from a world unknown to him. Hoping to continue a winning habit, he reloads and attempts to drop another climber. 

[quote="Hengist"] "That was bad-ass, Dagmar!  Thanks!  Ah... bows, I guess.  Kaul's about to be in trouble." [/quote]

Dagmar beams at the words, and Hengist notices something odd about her face in the moonlight. After a moment, he realises she is blushing.

[quote="Gwydion"] Gwydion blanches at the shudder squeal before looking over his shoulder to ensure there is no immediate threat. He then lobs another dart... [/quote]

...just as...

[quote="Masov"] Masov...hoping to continue a winning habit...reloads and attempts to drop another climber.  [/quote]

Both Masov and Gwydion let fly at the remaining climbers, exposed and near-helpless as they are on the wall. Loud grunting and squalling can now be heard from the climbers, and it sounds disturbingly like they are...speaking...or more as if a beast were attempting to mimic the speech of humans.

Both bolt and dart fly true, each striking one of the slouched figures. High-pitched squealing erupts as they are struck, and both begin to clamber down towards the ground.

[quote="Kaul"] I will shoot a last arrow before prepare to run away from the creatures. [/quote]

Kaul leans out and looses a last arrow towards the climbers. In his haste, he nearly bounces it off the stonework, but it still strikes an outstretched arm. The climber, already struck by a bolt, lets out a loud, "Rrroink!" before grasping upwards for another handhold. The dullish-red glow of its eyes fixes on Kaul. The Thief then prepares to withdraw from the edge.

[quote="Hengist"] I'll sheath weapons and string the composite bow, while Dagmar readies her short bow.  I'm assuming that precludes ranged attacks this round, but I'd like to be ready the next. [/quote]

As Hengist sheathes his weapons, Dagmar releases her spear, leaving the black clad man pinned to the wall of the building. She draws her shortbow and knocks an arrow, loosing it towards the inn, but it shatters harmlessly agains the stonework.

[quote="Kerrick Helmsworth"] Muttering a prayer to Thor for the child's soul, Kerrick will wheel his horse and charge at the climbers, attempting to stab them off the wall. [/quote]

With a whinney, Kerrick lunges his steed over the low fence and gallops at the wall. He gallops towards the front of the inn, his spear upraised. The shudder of impact jolts his arm, and then again, as he stabs his upraised spear into a pair of the climbers, knocking both of them to their deaths. The Paladin pulls up short at the fence at the front of the inn.

Only two climbers remain, one at the southeast corner, and one on the east (rear) wall visible only to Gwydion. The torchbearer has headed south in the direction of the temple, still visible when viewed askance. The black clad man is impaled on the south wall of the stable, south of the inn, by Dagmar's spear. There is a sack in the road near where this group was originally ambushed by the party.

What is everyone doing?


Dagmar fires again, and I join her in shooting at the one climber we can see.


Favoring discretion over valour, Gwydion makes all haste toward his companions on the far side of the building.


i will move away from the leadge my full movement.


Kerrick Helmsworth

Kerrick will leave the climbers to the others, wheeling his horse and riding towards the torchbearer. When he thinks he is reasonably close, he will stop and point his spear in their general direction, then speak in a low but piercing voice.

“Your allies are slain. Your goal is failed. You cannot win. Surrender.”

[quote="Kaul"] i will move away from the leadge my full movement [/quote]

Kaul slings his bow and hustles across the roof towards the side he originally ascended, out of sight of the remaining climbers.

Is Kaul going to climb down?

[quote="Kerrick Helmsworth"] Kerrick will leave the climbers to the others, wheeling his horse and riding towards the torchbearer. [/quote]

Wheeling about, Kerrick spurs his horse back south across the paddock, leaping the fence at the road. As Kerrick follows the road round a nearby building, he sees a torch lies guttering just past the open southern gate in the palisade...

[quote="Hengist"] Dagmar fires again, and I join her in shooting at the one climber we can see. [/quote]

Dagmar and Hengist loose arrows, but in the poor light it's difficult to say whose shot struck home, with one arrow falling back and the other embedding itself in the figure's back. Regardless of whose shot struck the mark, the climber squeals and falls, landing heavily at the foot of the wall. The figure lets out an inhuman, snarling grunt as it begins to clamber to its feet.

[quote="Gwydion"] Favoring discretion over valour, Gwydion makes all haste toward his companions on the far side of the building. [/quote]

Gwydion hurries around the stable, passing Aria headed the other way as she mumbles something about going back for Miska. Gwydion reaches a spot by the paddock where Hengist, Dagmar, and Masov stand with bows.