In-Character - Down from the door where it began...

Kerrick rides through the open, unguarded gate, the pennant on his spear hanging limp in the still morning air. The street before him is nearly deserted, although he catches a few furtive movements from shuttered windows and shadowed laneways out of the corner of his eye. He shatters the silence with his call, "Hello, the town!" but the sound is immediately swallowed by the mist. On his left, he passes a building in a poor state of repair, its windows and doors boarded over, the roof in sorry shape from the spring rains. Passing two more buildings on opposites sides of the street, a weaver and a tailor by the look of their signs, he sees another building in poor shape on the corner on his right. This one, at least, still appears to be lived in, but the roof and porch are sagging badly.

The rest of the party moves through the open gate, Miska in the lead. After the cleric stops and calls out, you hear the muted sound of booted feet to your left, then a gravelly voice, "...and where might you be travellers from?"

You turn, and from a secondary palisade to the north you see a man walking towards you, buckling his swordbelt as he approaches. Finishing, he stops, placing his hands on his hips. The man is middle-aged, though clearly muscular, with close-cropped salt-and-pepper hair. He wears a leather doublet, and on his left arm is a well-used round metal shield. Two other figures stand in the gate behind him, but their features are hidden under voluminous, dark-blue cloaks, though they clearly wear swords, and one has a spear, the other a loaded crossbow.

Kerrick hears the exchange, but cannot see who his companions are speaking with, his view blocked by the buildings on the main street and a tree close to the rest of the party.



Kerrick Helmsworth

Hearing someone speaking to the party behind him, Kerrick turns his horse around and rides at a leisurely walk on the way back to rejoin the party.


Aria turns to face the approaching town guards. She fingers her holy symbol of Venus and tilts her graceful chin downwards towards it, a gesture that could be a respectful nod or could be saying “I’m from the Temple of Venus… bitch.”


I wave a silent hello to the guards will doing my best to look innocent, then i realise that i am still innocent in this town.

Miska the Misanthropic

Ever suspicious, Miska scans the buildings around the party for any sign of activity, paying close attention to windows and second stories.

Hengist the Fair

“Lately, from Castle Blackmarsh. They will be glad to hear Orlean is still defended. But how is it such a well guarded village has fallen into disrepair?”

[quote="Miska the Misanthropic"]

Ever suspicious, Miska scans the buildings around the party for any sign of activity, paying close attention to windows and second stories. [/quote]

Some of the buildings are single-story. The ones you can see clearly are directly north and south of the party's location, as well as a third just east of the large oak tree. There is no movement around the building to the north, which appears to be some kind of smithy, but there are several shapes surreptitiously peering from the windows of the farm to the south. The building to the east appears to be a single story home, and there is no activity around it, although it appears to be in good repair.

[quote="Kaul"] I wave a silent hello to the guards will doing my best to look innocent, then i realise that i am still innocent in this town. [/quote]

The guards make no move to acknowledge your gesture, although their expressions are unreadable under their cloaks.

[quote="Aria"] Aria turns to face the approaching town guards. She fingers her holy symbol of Venus and tilts her graceful chin downwards towards it, a gesture that could be a respectful nod or could be saying "I'm from the Temple of Venus... bitch." [/quote]

Glancing at you, an unreadable expression passes across the man's face - a grimace, perhaps?

[quote="Hengist the Fair"] "Lately, from Castle Blackmarsh.  They will be glad to hear Orlean is still defended.  But how is it such a well guarded village has fallen into disrepair?" [/quote]

 He wipes his forehead with the heel of his hand before speaking, "How we keep our homes is surely our business. Now, I don't really think you've come all the way from Castle Blackmarsh to check on whether or not our roofs are leaking. If you're looking for a room and a hot meal, the Silver Scale Inn is that way..." he points to the east along the main street, " the meantime, what's your business in town?" he finishes, looking over warily as Kerrick rides up behind the party from the east.

Miska the Misanthropic

“We are but road-weary voyagers. Having heard of the beauty of this island, and of Orleans itself, we decided to pay it a visit. You might say we are, how do you say it . . . sight-seers! I thank you for your directions – a hot meal will be welcome – but first tell me this,” Miska observes the man’s reaction like a hawk watching an exposed field mouse, “is there a temple in Orleans where I may give thanks for a safe journey?”

[quote="Miska the Misanthropic "] "We are but road-weary voyagers. Having heard of the beauty of this island, and of Orleans itself, we decided to pay it a visit. You might say we are, how do you say it . . . sight-seers! I thank you for your directions -- a hot meal will be welcome -- but first tell me this," Miska observes the man's reaction like a hawk watching an exposed field mouse, "is there a temple in Orleans where I may give thanks for a safe journey?" [/quote]

The man's eyes flicker towards Aria and back to you before he responds, although the tension in his body seems to ease slightly, "Yes, indeed, as I'm sure you saw on the walk towards the gate...just south of the town is the Temple of Solis..." but his expression once again becomes stern, "We want no religious strife here. I can't imagine a group like yours is here, from Blackmarsh of all places, to see the landscape. What are you here for? Is your ship at the pier, below?"

Miska the Misanthropic

“Oh, we find the scenery absolutely enthralling, sir . . . ?” He smiles. “We were dropped off last night, and decided some fresh air would do wonders for the lungs, so slept out under the starry skies!”

[quote="Miska the Misanthropic"] "Oh, we find the scenery absolutely enthralling, sir . . . ?" [/quote]

"Thorsdun. Aramis Thorsdun. I'm the constable hereabouts."

[quote="Miska the Misanthropic"] "We were dropped off last night, and decided some fresh air would do wonders for the lungs, so slept out under the starry skies!" [/quote]

"Dropped off? Slept out?" for the first time, the man, whose name you now know is Aramis, looks genuinely confused, "Why?"


“Well we saw raiders heading this way, but no one saw the warning fire. There was some worry if this town was okay. If you do have injured I am a excellent healer.” Andrew says in response to the man’s question. Truthfully now he’s not exactly sure what the plan is.

“It seems I was wrong to suggest we visit this town,” Aria says to her comrades. “We have arrived to bring aid and they give us a churlish welcome. Venus has not graced me with steel and spell to sleuth out the mystery of the Rude Townspeople. If they have no need of adventurers here, let’s go where we are needed. My blades grow sad that they have not drunk blood.”

You notice now that someone has come out to stand in front of the farmhouse to the south. Down the street, to the east, several more people are visible: a few children, a man and woman close together, leaning out of the shop of the weaver, and a burly woman with two armed men behind her in front a shop with a sign bearing a faceted gem.

[quote="Aria"] "It seems I was wrong to suggest we visit this town," Aria says to her comrades. "We have arrived to bring aid and they give us a churlish welcome. Venus has not graced me with steel and spell to sleuth out the mystery of the Rude Townspeople. If they have no need of adventurers here, let's go where we are needed. My blades grow sad that they have not drunk blood." [/quote]

Aramis frowns in Aria's direction, "We don't need some...harlot of Venus...making trouble. We can take care of our own problems-"

"Liar!" the shout, entirely unexpected, comes from the man from the farmhouse behind you.

Aramis flinches, looking over your shoulders, "You watch your mouth, Ernst..."

"Or what, Aramis?" the muscles in the constable's jaw bunch visibly, but he says nothing as Ernst continues, "If these people are finally here from Blackmarsh with aid, I say we welcome them with open arms! What good have you or the Baron done since the troubles began?"

"Kept you safe, is what!" Aramis replies hotly.

"And the others? Did they move, leaving all their worldly goods, their supper on the table? And what about what happened at the Frog's Rest? Some of the people killed were friends of yours as well as mine!" the man on the porch stops, breathing heavily, nearly overcome with emotion.

Aramis glowers, before spitting in the dirt before him. He then looks to the party, "I suggest you stay out of trouble while you're here, or you'll answer to me..." and with that, he turns and walks back towards the secondary palisade. His two constables stand, watching the group for a few moments more, before they, too, turn and follow Aramis.

Miska the Misanthropic

Miska examines the faces of the Orleaners closely, looking for any sign of piscene parentage. “It is my guess that the village is under the thrall of a priest of Dagon!” he whispers quietly to his comrades, “such cult members often engage in obscene rites with fishmen from the deep, and spawn offspring that are half-man, half-fish!”


Well then! Truculent authorities and worried common folk; a song as old as civilization. Shall we have a chat with Ernst?

Kerrick Helmsworth

Kerrick rides (at a walk) over to the man on his porch, Ernst.

“Good day, sir. Would you be willing to tell us more about the troubles facing this town? We had heard only vague stories before coming out here.”

“I promise you that we will find a way to help.”

None of the people you’ve seen look the least bit fishy. And who’s “Dagon?”

[quote="Kerrick Helmsworth"] Kerrick rides (at a walk) over to the man on his porch, Ernst. "Good day, sir. Would you be willing to tell us more about the troubles facing this town? We had heard only vague stories before coming out here." "I promise you that we will find a way to help." [/quote] The man, Ernst, has calmed himself, but still appears uneasy as he looks up at you, "Well... I'm not rightly sure what to tell. Things have been... strange... for more than a year."

His gaze wanders as he tries to explain, "I didn't realise how bad things were, until..." he glances up the street to the east, "...we found the bodies at the Frog's Rest... it was a public house here; catered to the locals more than the other two inns - they serve more visitors, when we used to have them - and we found it one morning..." his jaw tightens, and he swallows hard before continuing, "...wrecked, I guess. There were a dozen people in there. Hacked up. Some of them had clearly attacked each other. No one had any idea why! There were no survivors, leastways not that we found. Bill Fallow was a good friend of mine, and he was there that night..." he stops speaking, shaking his head as he struggles to control his emotions.

You can see movement at the windows behind him.

He calms himself, letting out a long, slow breath, "Then there's the people who've just...vanished. Up and left, it seems. But took nothing with them. Supper still on the table!" he shakes his head again, "I don't expect they showed up in any port on the Smoking Bay."

His gaze finally turns back to Kerrick, "Even though the Baron said he'd asked for help from Blackmarsh, we didn't think it'd ever come. Praise Solis you're finally here!"