I think Lay on Hands should be a fixed number of days, instead of increasing with character level. (I think three days is about right, but maybe just two.)
The draft text is: “The target is healed as if he had rested for one day per two levels of the healer (rounded up).”
My issue with this is it is increases a bit much, since both BHR and multiplier increase with level.
Basic Lay on Hands is 2 hp per character level. This is linear. As the characters increase in level, their hp increases approximately at the same rate as Lay on Hands. Say an average character has 4 hp per level, then Lay on Hands is 50% healing.
BHR based Lay on Hands on the other hand, gets a lot better/worse on alternating low levels and then increasingly good at high levels.
4 1d3 1d3 50%
8 1d3 1d3 25%
12 1d4 2d4 42%
16 1d4 2d4 31%
20 1d6 3d6 53%
24 1d8 3d8 56%
28 1d8 4d8 64%
32 1d10 4d10 69%
36 1d10 5d10 76%
Level 10+, hp increases by 2 per level
38 2d6 10d6 92%
40 2d6 12d6 105%
42 2d6 12d6 100%
44 2d6 14d6 111%
46 2d6 14d6 107%
Actually, I think caster level should be removed from the BHR healing spells also, so it’s one, two, three, four and six days. BHR is on average healing 1/6 of your max hp. So a 6-day BHR is about a full heal. As written, this can be achieved with a cure serious cast by a 12+ caster, while a cure critical will heal more than 100% at 9+, which is seldom useful. (A cause serious is also quite the killer spell.)